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The Worlds Most Detailed Numerology Report
How Do Your Birthday And Names Influence Your Success in all Areas of Life?

Your birthdate reveals your unique life purpose, potentials, talents, weaknesses, and karma in this life.
Your names show what you attract into your life regarding your career, relationships, happiness, money, and success.


Unlock Your Highest Potential
Know Your Numerology



A few examples
Are You Following Your Blueprint?

Some of the most important indicators in your numerology are the DAY VIBRATION number and the LIFE PATH numbers.
Below are some examples of what happens within you when you don't follow the loving and guiding energies in your numbers:

If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th in the month, you were actually born to be a winner and have success in society.

If this success does not come a feeling of resentment, disappointment, bitterness and being overly critical can set in.

If you were born on the 31st of the month, numerology tells us that you were not here to conform, but to always THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.

And no matter what profession you are in - if you are not allowed to innovate or to think differently, you would inadvertently suffer and feel trapped by life.

If you were born on the 5th in the month, you were designed to be open, talkative and communicative.

But this is exactly where the karma also lies. Many people born on the 5th of the month experience problems with communication due to introversion and different kinds of speech impediments.

If your life path number is 16 you will have strong faculties of observation, an international inclination, an awakened intuition and a strong sense of spirituality.

And if your choices in life don’t reflect these qualities the result can be feelings of inexplicable fear and anxiety.

Time To Take That Quantum Leap
Knowing Your Numerology You Start Experiencing ...

An Inner Guidance That Awakens

When you start acting according to your numerology, you begin working in alignment with the will of the universe. You are following your "master design" - the way the universe intended you to be. This gives a feeling of having a compass - and always knowing where your true north lies.

With this alignment, you will start experiencing SYNCHRONICITIES:

  • You think of someone, and they call you
  • You need a specific thing, and it appears
  • You need a particular task accomplished, and someone completes it for you without you even asking
  • A long-lost benefactor calls and gives you the advice you need to move forward
  • The right people contact you to bring you forward in your quest

Things happen that solve your problem and solve the problems of other people involved as well, leaving you with a sense of awe – how could the universe think up such a clever solution, you think, a solution that takes so much of the common good into consideration ….

Being on the path of synchronicity is one of the closest things you can achieve in life to being on a path of MAGIC. This is what happens when you follow the higher path that is laid out for you.

Life purpose, karma, and hidden talents

When you know your numbers, you start connecting with your life purpose. Before, you might have felt your life purpose on a superficial level – but now it becomes anchored into your being.

Your purpose becomes a solid foundation and resting place upon which you can structure your life.

At the same time, you also start getting a clearer feeling of the karma you come with. Karma can be negative karma, in the sense that you are paying the price for previous karmic debts. Still, it can also be positive karma that lies buried within your psyche as a potential ready to be released.

Instead of seeing the problems you meet in life as impossible obstacles, you start seeing your problems as aspects of your karma that can be burned and transformed into energy that will fuel your life purpose.

When your life purpose is revealed to you and fueled by your karma, you also start experiencing that hidden talents, things you didn’t know that you actually are really good at, start coming to the surface.

There is a saying that when the student is ready, the master appears. This also goes for the inner world. When you are ready and show up for your purpose, an inner master awakens within you, offering you guidance and inner vision.

Success & Abundance

Once you tap into your soul power and awaken your numerology, your life 10x’s.

The great achievers, celebrities, and luminaries out there are all in some degree of alignment with their soul power.

Their success comes from a FEEDBACK loop of knowing WHERE to go and EMBRACING the opportunities and feedback that come back when receiving the ANSWERS and following the guiding SYNCHRONICITIES from the universe.

Not only will abundance and career opportunities start to roll in, but also the right people start coming to you.

Not toxic, evil, or needy people …

But good, powerful, and kind people that are genuinely interested in helping YOU to achieve your dreams.

See or feel something that you before might have thought of as genuinely impossible for you to achieve, and now imagine yourself achieving this with ease when you bring yourself in alignment with your BLUEPRINT.

Harmony in Relationships

When you know yourself and your numbers, you realize how the world is a projection of yourself. When you stop associating pain with the outer world and start taking responsibility for who you are, your relationships automatically start improving.

Harmonious relationships arise when you stop projecting your pain onto other people. Instead of a "victim" mindset, you become more proactive, creating the kind of relationships you would like with people. Instead of focusing on problems, you focus on the solutions that are provided by your numbers. We call these "soul-utions".

If you are looking for romance, you also start attracting potential partners into your life as you begin to shine. There is nothing more attractive than a person in contact with their soul power because this person is in tune with the mighty pillars of the universe, as shown to us through the numbers. Instead of relying on your "ego" power, you rely on your "archetype" power.

The Blueprint is Built on The Worlds Largest Body of Numerology Research
We Have Studied The Numerology of Over 100.000 Celebrities and Luminaries

These people attained success because they dared to follow their blueprint, thereby getting the most out of what was given to them!

Using advanced software, we have made NUMEROLOGICAL STATISTICS on over 100.000 celebrities and luminaries. We have looked at all of the main numbers in their charts - the day vibration, the month vibration, the year vibration, the life path numbers, the names and correlated the findings with their personality traits, careers, and results.

And the results are nothing short of amazing...

When we look at statistics over such a large body of people, we notice specific "trends."

Celebrities and luminaries have reached where they are in life because they succeeded in following their design, their BLUEPRINT.

How would your life look if you followed your numerology blueprint?

Let The Numbers Speak For Themselves
Some Results From Our Research

Introducing the
Authors of your Numerology Report

Together Johannes and Estel lead the largest school of numerology in Scandinavia
where they have certified a whole generation of professional numerologists.

Numerologist and certification leader
Estel Ehvass

Estel is a numerologist, coach and psychotherapist, certification leader and software designer at Numerologist PRO.

Estel met numerology at a very young age on a trip to India, and has been interested in numerology ever since.

She researches and goes in depth with the ancient sources of numerology, and has modernized the ancient knowledge of consonants and vowels in the names to a whole new level. Estel also researches empirically on the effects of numerology - especially in the name change process.

Estel was originally educated in musicology at the university of Copenhagen. She has studied many forms of spiritual wisdom systems, and has been practicing meditation since she was 19 years old.

Numerologist and software developer
Johannes Ehvass

Johannes is a software architect at Numerologist PRO in addition to numerologist, coach and education manager.

Johannes has a degree in computer science and after many years as a software engineer has worked independently as a coach. During this time his interest in numerology and the more spiritual aspects of life have grown so he today fully integrates his interest in software development and numerology.

Johannes has a systematic and step-by-step approach to the learning process, number combinations and interpretation, where he combines knowledge and intuition with his eye for the fascinating mathematics that underlies numerology.

Johannes grew up in Swaziland and Hong Kong and has a daily practice of meditation, yoga and kung fu.

Why this report is important
Your unique benefits

  • By knowing your innate energies, you will be able to more easily tune into and download your deepest vision and mission in this life.
  • Understand your innate codes for personal success, as well as for flow and love in your relationships.
  • The most important numbers in your charts come along with 5 step keys that help you ACTIVATE your numbers in the most harmonious and fastest way.
  • You can save yourself from making blind choices that are not in line with your true nature, abilities and talents.
  • You are given keys, suggestions and methods - through the descriptions of your numbers - to act in new ways that are more congruent with who you are.
  • You will understand the dynamics between your inner life and your outer life - what tendencies do you show outwardly, and how are your actions in sync with how you feel inside?
  • You will know how to develop in the fastest way to create amazing QUANTUM leaps in your life.
  • You will understand the ARCHITECTURE of your psyche, how your thoughts and emotions affect you, and recognize patterns from your childhood, youth and adult life.
  • You can revisit your childhood and release traumas stored in your subconscious through the numbers that affected you here.
  • Revisit your teenage years to uncover the basis of your survival patterns.
  • Revisit your 20s to rediscover how your social intelligence is built.
  • You can turn up your ability to use the law of attraction by knowing what you really want.
  • You can find out if your desires in life (created by the vowels in your names) actually meet your real, psychological needs.
  • How is your soul's voice being channeled outward through the desires you have in your life?
  • How do others SEE and PERCEIVE you? Can you unintentionally be sending out energies that push other people away? Or do you attract the people you need in your life?
  • How can you reinforce the positive aspects of your KARISMA so that you naturally harness the energies that come with your birth date and names?
  • How you can understand the mechanisms in areas of your life such as your SEX LIFE, your LOVE LIFE, your SOCIAL LIFE, your relationship with your COLLEAGUES, your BUSINESS, CAREERS, your relationship with MONEY and much more.

Your charts are the compass that will guide you to your next level
The Five Chart Numeroscope™

According to the ancient Vedic wisdom that permeates Chaldean numerology, the subtle architecture and psychology of the human being can be described in terms of 5 levels: the soul level, the psychic level, the astral level, the etheric level and the physical level.

This knowledge can be translated into the 5 major numerological charts:

1. Your higher self (your full birth date)
2. Your psyche chart (calculated from your birth date)
3. Your vocation chart (created from the vowels in your name)
4. Your personality chart (created from the consonants in your names)
5. Your name chart (created from your names)

In the Numerology Soul Blueprint and Name Report, you will be taken through your Five Chart Numeroscope™ discovering new aspects of your essential self as you peel an onion, layer by layer. You'll get the keys to opening up the energies in your numbers, using them in the most positive way, and avoiding the pitfalls in your numbers that represent your personal karma and life lessons.

Karma, hidden talents and highest potential
1. Your Higher Self Chart

Your Karma
The energies that you come with from previous lives. What thoughts and emotions you need to heal and release to become the fullest version of your self.
Your hidden talents
When you start living according to the numbers in your Higher Self you unleash hidden talents within you, things you might not even have known that you were good at.
Your Highest Potential
Knowing the numbers in your higher self allows you to fully awaken your highest potential and get right to the essence of what it is you are supposed to be doing in this life.

Genius, social intelligence and psychic development
2. Your Psyche Chart

Awaken Your Genius
How your mind works when its at its best. The steps you must take to awaken your inner genius.
Your Emotional Architecture
How you process your emotions and deal with the emotions of other people. Your social intelligence and how you alchemize emotion.
Your Psychic Journey
How your psyche develops in your childhood, teenage years, twenties. Build upon this knowledge to fully awaken your adult potential.

Channeling the energy of your soul into your life
3. Your Vocation Chart

Your Vocation Chart
The vocation chart is built from the vowels in your name and shows your innermost, secret and hidden desires. Awakening these numbers helps you to fully activate and harness the law of attraction.

Your Hearts Desire Number
This is the strongest number in your vocation chart and is a conclusion of all your desires.

Your magic charisma
4. Your Personality Chart

Your Personality Chart
The personality chart is built from the consonants in your names. The numbers in your personality chart show your charisma and how other people see you. Awakening the power of these numbers will give you a magnetic charisma that mesmerizes other people, which will speed up how fast you attain your goals.

Your Personality Number
This number is a conclusion of all the numbers in your personality chart and is the main energy that people feel the moment they think about you or see you.

The unfolding of your life
5. Your Name Chart

Your First Name
Shows the first impression you give other people and how you instinctively handle things, events or people the first time you encounter them.

Your Middle Names
Shows what you identify with - and how you see your self. Important for your emotional stability and wellbeing.

Your Surname
Shows the generations of karma programmed into your family name, and which you bring into your own life - especially in intimate relations.

Your Life Expression Number
Shows your career path and your relationship to money and wealth.
Your Relationship Numbers
Show whether you are attracting good, nurturing and loving relationships - or quite the opposite!
Your Communication Numbers
Show how you communicate with others and whether others grasp your message. Are you attracting opportunities - or creating misunderstandings?

Your Brand Numbers
Show how others see or perceive you. These numbers are important for success and for generating wealth.

Layer by layer
Revealing Your Most Profound Depths

In this report we will be going through your 5 major Chaldean charts which goes through every aspect of your personality alll the way up from the level of the soul down to what you experience in day to day physical life

The higher self chart
Your soul numbers

The numbers in the higher self chart are created solely by the numbers in our birth date. The essence numbers (common denomination of all the numbers in the Higher Self) are some of the most fascinating numbers in numerology as they tell the story of your unique life mission in this incarnation.
The numbers in the higher self can never be changed as you cannot change the day that you were born!

The psychic self chart
Your psyche numbers

The psychic self is a fascinating chart that the chaldean numerologist uses to look deeply into the psyche. It is used after analyzing the higher self to go even more in-depth with the person’s psyche and mental development. During our lives different psychological needs, faculties and psychic powers awaken within us. The psychic self chart is a map that shows us when, where and in which areas of our lives our latent possibilities and highest potentials will awaken. In this way we can use this chart to get the best out of our lives by tuning into the fascinating aspects that the chart reveals to us.

The vocation chart
Your vocation numbers

We build the heart’s desire chart from the vowel values in your name. They tell about your desires, likes/dislikes, and the hidden motives behind everything that you do. These numbers also show you what your true intentions are behind your many choices. These numbers are also “resonators,” meaning that they attract what you desire into your life. These numbers show how you like to use your time – your hobbies and your interests.

The personality chart
Your personality numbers

We build the personality chart from the consonants in your names. Consonants are what give the actual “form” to the words, while vowels are more subtle and hidden. While your vocation chart maps out your inner desires, intention and will, your personality numbers define your personality and charisma – your “outer” and “final form” that you take in the physical world. We see here the characteristics, traits, and qualities that you transmit to the outer world. The personality chart is the map of the first impression you give to others, and for the most part, this is how far you let others get to know you.

The name chart
Your names

Together with the birth day vibration, your names create all the other numbers in the human self chart: the auras, the theme of life, the column, the backbone, the number of vitality, the radiation number, and the centers. The human self is the most “physical” of the charts and tells us what we meet in life – what are the actual physical outcomes that we meet. In this section, we explore the meanings of your names and their energetic implications.

And finally
Your life areas

In this section we explore your different life areas: Your communication, your brand, your love and sex life, your friends, your colleagues and your relationship to money. All these things can be read from your name chart.

Your membership page

Explore your numbers in the membership page where you see the different charts and information about your unique numbers and how to apply this information in your life to get maximum results.

Your 5 charts in depth

Explanations of all your numbers

steps to unlock your number codes

Download as a report

In the membership site you can also download your report and save it to your desktop. The content of the report is exactly the same as you will find in the membership site - just condensed into a manual that you can download onto your computer.

200+ pages

Probably the most detailed numerology report out there with over 200 pages of deep insights into numerology and into your numbers.

Next Steps
Start your journey here

After payment

After payment you should be automatically lead into your membership site. It should look like the screen you see above. Choose the box furthest to the left called “Numerology report”. An email with all the login details will also be sent to the email you give upon purchase.

Enter your data

After you have entered into your membership site you enter your full name and your date of birth. This will generate all the numbers and charts!

Surf and immerse yourself

Now that you have entered your data you will see your charts with numbers and explanations. In the menu to the left there is a button that you can click on that will generate the 150 page report for you.


Meet Estel and Johannes Ehvass

We run the largest school of numerology in Scandinavia based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

We have Educated over 100 professional numerologists who now use our system in their businesses. We offer a numerology education with many levels and help our students to become professional numerologists.

Through our coaching, we have served over 1000 clients in numerology. We guide our clients on how they can reach their fullest potential through understanding the potentials that lie within their day of birth and names. We also help clients who wish to have new names as new names come with new energies and new possibilities.

We have also helped over a hundred companies to establish companies on suitable dates and with good names.

We have over 20 years of experience with numerology and coaching and have been a myriad of times in Danish/Scandinavian media.

All Materials © 2023 & 2024 Numerologist PRO

Terms of Service: Information provided by Numerologist PRO and/or from this web site is not intended as advice (medical, psychological, financial or other), nor is it intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical or otherwise). You should maintain your relationship with your providers and consider the services of this site as informational only. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual. This web site is a sharing of knowledge and information of numerology/energy work based on the experiences of Numerologist PRO. You are encouraged to make your own decisions based on your own research and inner guidance. By booking and receiving services, you agree to fully release and hold harmless Numerologist PRO and all it's affiliated numerologists  from and against any liability or claim that may arise out of or in connection with their service(s).


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Discover Your Blueprint

Watch a tailored video about your unique numerology blueprint based on your date of birth and an in depth analysis of your names.

BOOK: Numerology – The Complete Guide

This book is the culmination of nearly a decade of research, teaching, and practical application of numerology, particularly the Chaldean system. We have dedicated our lives to exploring and disseminating this profound and transformative knowledge.

About us

Bringing Chaldean numerology to the world – our vision and mission!

Chaldean Numerology

Why Chaldean numerology is the most advanced and accurate form of numerology in the world

Free Numerology Chart

Get started with your Chaldean Numerology adventure with the Chaldean 5 Chart Numeroscope.

Full Numerology Report

Personalized report covering your 5 major Chaldean charts, including birth date and names. Membership site and 200+ page report.

Numerology Soul Affirmations

Experience the dynamic force of these personalized numerology affirmations for manifesting your dreams and desires.

Healing Crystals Report

Discover the healing power of crystals with our tailored Crystal Report, based on your birth date numbers.

Superdates 2024
For Luck & Success

Boost your 2024 using the power of key numerological dates. Experience increased synchronicity, flow, and success.

Numerology Beginners Course

Master Chaldean numerology with the worlds leading learning and software platform. Video lessons, manuals, quizzes, and tools.

Numerologist PRO Software

Chart profiles, all 5 major charts, in-depth info, day and year charts, relationship and business tools, advanced quizzes.

Numerology Sessions

Are you ready to take your life to the next level with a numerology session?

Personal Sessions

We offer numerology sessions where we analyse your date of birth and current names. We also provide you with the optimal name vibrations specifically for you, that will boost your career, communication, health and love life.

Business Sessions

With numerology you can find the perfect starting date and names for your company. The starting date will be found that matches the vibrations of the company that you want to create and the names will further back up your company mission.

Astrology Articles

Welcome to our Astrology section. Explore your destiny with our horoscope tool and uncover insights through your unique astrogram.

Browse over 100 articles that delve into astrology’s origins and its practical applications in daily life. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, our resources are here to inspire and guide you.

Your Full Chaldean Numerology Chart

See how your NAME AND BIRTH VIBRATIONS influence your love life, career, social life and more.

Your Life Path Calculator

Find your Pythagorean and Chaldean Life Path numbers and see in-depth descriptions.

In-depth Word and Name Lists

Use this tool for finding words and names with specific number values.

Consonant Vowel Calculator

Use this tool to see the Chaldean number values of names and words.