Numerology and the numbers
Numerology 27 Meaning

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Planet mars associated with the numerology of 27

The Scepter

The digits in the number 27 have the digit sum 9 which resonates with the planet Mars. 27 is often written as 27/9 where the digit sum is placed after the slash. To understand 27 more in depth we recommend you also read more about the digit sum 9 here.

The Numerology of 27: Its Meaning and Significance

27 is a number of leadership that gives you strength, overview, and an ability to lead teams. You are good at seeing other people's qualities and how they can contribute. This ability allows you can put together the best combinations of people for specific tasks, a skill that can lead you far as a leader.

Like all numbers with digit sum 9, the 27/9 is an aspect of masculine consciousness. The number 9 gives willpower, focus, direction, and discipline. The 2 and 7 are both quite soft and feminine numbers, so the number 27/9 leads in a gentle and people-oriented way full of compassion and the ability to listen and take in feedback.

Our statistics show us that the number 27/9 indeed is a number of leadership. It is a powerful business number as well, and we see that many of the top CEOs and owners of companies are born on the 27th of the month. It is also a powerful number for politicians that need to show leadership skills. In our research on 6594 politicians, we discovered that the second most common day of birth was the 27th of the month, the top place being taken by the number 20 (Numerologist PRO Statistics).

In imbalance, the 27/9 tends to mentalize everything (the number 7 is very mental). To access the truth of the heart, 27/9 must let go of what others think of them (imbalanced 2 and 11/2) and learn to trust their own emotions. A tremendous potential ability and a great life lesson for 27/9 is awakening the heart and learning to listen to what it says—the "whisper of the heart," which you can only hear by silencing the mind.

The number 27/9 is called "The scepter," which stands for a leadership ordained and protected by the divine powers.

Explore more about the numerology of 27 and its powerful implications in our online program "Chaldean Numerology for Beginners." Uncover every aspect of this archetype through the NP NUMBERS 1-99 ARCHETYPING SYSTEM™, detailed statistics, Tarot, Tree of life, and other numerological interpretations. Click here to learn more about Chaldean Numerology for Beginners and how you can start your journey towards deeper knowledge and understanding.

The 27 in balance is:

  • A natural-born leader with empathy, people skills and fairness
  • Seeing others potential and bringing out the best in them
  • A 'guru' - enjoying great respect and reverence from others
  • Learning to lead from both heart and mind
  • Creating the perfect teams of people to do the job

The 27 unbalanced is

  • All head and no heart - and suffers from anxiety as a result
  • Leading others in a calculated, unempathetic and dictatorial way
  • Working too much for what it perceives as the common good
  • Paralyzed – cannot act and is always behind
  • Speaks badly to, and about others behind their backs

NUMBER 27 keywords for inspiration

The balanced aspects, traits and adjectives of number 27 are:

Strong leadership supported by the "higher powers", growth, authority, respect and admiration from others, occult capabilities, finishes projects, structured, clarity in emotional life, the flow of ideas, empathy, justice, bright, says things as they are, keen intuition, knows people, deep insight, progressive, winner mentality.

The imbalanced aspects, traits and adjectives of number 27 are:

All head and no heart, leads others in an unempathetic way, works too much, paralysis – cannot act, always behind with the work, dictatorial and harsh, speaks badly to and about others.


Celebrities with 27 in their numerology chart

Birth day number 27

Aaron Paul (actor)
Tobey Maguire (actor)
Gwyneth Paltrow (actress)
Mariah Carey (singer)
Joseph Fiennes (actor)
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (actor)
J.J. Abrams (director)
Quentin Tarantino (director)
Pee-wee Herman (actor)
Roberto Benigni (director)
Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (musician)
Jimi Hendrix (musician)
Bruce Lee (martial artist)
John Cleese (actor/comedian)
Elizabeth Taylor (actress)
Henry Kissinger (politician)
Sir Christopher Lee (actor)
Oliver Tambo (anti-apartheid activist)
Lyndon B. Johnson (36th US president)
Bhagat Singh (freedom fighter)
John Steinbeck (author)
Gloria Swanson (actress)
Theodore Roosevelt (26th US president)
Wilhelm Röntgen (X-rays)
Lewis Carroll (author)
Ulysses S. Grant (18th US president)
Louis Pasteur (scientist)
Samuel Morse (scientist)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (composer)
James Cook (explorer)
Anders Celsius (astronomer)
Johannes Kepler (astronomer)
Cosimo de Medici (banker and patron)
Ibn Khaldun (Islamic scholar)

27 is under the influence of MARS

Mars is a reddish planet, and it's surface is covered by towering rock formations and mountains that are twice as high as Mount Everest. There are Grand Canyon-like rock abysses, so scientists believe that there once was water on the surface.

Mars is 2/3 of the size of the Earth and has only approx. 60% of the gravitational field, so you can jump much higher on Mars than here on Earth.

Mars is the Roman god of war, which brings the final judgment and the end of times. Mars people are often warrior like and ready to conquer and subdue the world. They have the courage and strong will and, thanks to these qualities, achieve great success.

But impulsivity hurts their activities. They often do not weigh their strengths and do not distribute them rationally.

In love and partnership, they can experience difficulties as they are both often stubborn, proud, and insensitive.

Mars gives excellent organizational skills and leadership talent.

If they correctly harness their innate strength, discipline, enterprise, and focus, Mars people can achieve tremendous success.

Planet mars associated with the numerology of 27


The Big Diamond Chart™ for 27

The NP BIG DIAMOND CHART™ is one of the main tools in THE NP NUMBERS 1-99 ARCHETYPING SYSTEM™, which helps numerologists "unpack" a number so that they can see all the vibrations born from the meeting of the first and second digits in the numbers 1-99. The chart reveals remarkable details about the psychology and possibilities for each number. In the NP BIG DIAMOND CHART™, the number is first unpacked in the main diamond (bottom middle). The two digits are laid out along the top of the main diamond, and the digit sum is placed at the bottom. The rest of the numbers are found by recursively adding the numbers, entirely unpacking the vibration. The red and green arrows show the relationships between the numbers, revealing inner tensions and resources.

The NP BIG DIAMOND CHART™ is thoroughly interpreted for you in our Numerology Foundational Course, giving you a profound knowledge about the numbers, which will help you make highly accurate numerology chart interpretations.
The Numerology Big Diamond Chart for the number 27


The Vibration Pyramid™ for 27

The NP VIBRATION PYRAMID™ resembles the NP big diamond chart but is constructed in a different way revealing other details about the architecture of each number. While the big diamond chart reveals the sub archetypes present in every number, the vibration pyramid shows the different paths a number can take on its spiritual journey into the core of its being.

The NP VIBRATION PYRAMID™ is thoroughly interpreted for you in our Numerology Foundational Course, giving you a profound knowledge about the numbers, which will help you make highly accurate numerology chart interpretations.

The Numerology Vibration Pyramid Chart for the number 27

Then see the meaning of the numbers in the chart!

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