Numerology and the life paths
Life path 4 Meaning

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Planet Uranus associated with the numerology of 4

The Builder

The number 4 resonates with the the planet Uranus.

What are your Pythagorean and Chaldean life path numbers?

Pythagorean Numerology: In this traditional Western system, the Life Path number is derived by reducing your birth date to a single digit or a Master Number (11, 22, or 33). This number represents the core of your personality, reflecting your natural tendencies, talents, and challenges.

Chaldean Numerology: This ancient system provides a different perspective. Here, your Chaldean Life Path number is calculated by summing the fully reduced values of your day, month, and year of birth. Unlike the Pythagorean method, this sum is not reduced further, so if you have pythagorean life path number 4, you have Chaldean life path number 4, 13 or 22. The Chaldean life path number also represents the core of your personality. Additionally, Chaldean numerology introduces the "Big Life Path number," which is obtained by adding all the digits of your full birthdate without any reduction, capturing the full strength of your numerological influences. The big life path number represents your greatest potential.

Use the calculator below to find out both your Pythagorean Life Path number and your Chaldean Life Path numbers, including the Big Life Path number. Once you have found your numbers you can click on them to get to the relevant article.


Life Path 4: Its Meaning and Significance

Symbolic Alignment with Uranus

Life path number 4 is deeply connected to the unique characteristics of Uranus, the planet known for its unconventional rotation and extended seasons. This association reflects the distinctiveness and innovative spirit inherent in those influenced by the number 4. Like Uranus, which rolls along its orbit on a horizontal axis, individuals on this life path often exhibit unique tastes in music, fashion, and perspectives, challenging conventional norms and standards.

Depth and Transformation

The prolonged winters of Uranus symbolize the depth, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness that define life path number 4. This profound approach to life fosters a foundation for innovation and breakthroughs, often seen in the lives of notable scientists and pioneers who share this numerological influence. The transformative shift from winter to spring on Uranus, characterized by intense upheavals and storms, mirrors the significant changes and fresh starts that frequently occur in the lives of those with this life path.

Contrasts and Resilience

Individuals with life path number 4 may embody stark contrasts within themselves—they can be both gentle and sensitive yet also possess a robust survival instinct, sometimes appearing opportunistic. This duality reflects their ability to adapt and thrive in various circumstances, balancing sensitivity with practicality.

Stability Versus Rebellion

The number 4 is associated with the square, an emblem of stability and strength. However, alongside a desire for stability, there often lies a hidden urge to dismantle existing structures and rebuild them from scratch. This trait is pronounced in those who resonate deeply with the number 4, giving them a rebellious, anti-authoritarian streak that often sets them apart, sometimes making them feel like the 'black sheep' in conventional settings.

Subtlety and Talent

Contrary to the more demonstrative energies like those of Jupiter or the Sun, the quiet nature of Uranus parallels the demeanor of those with life path number 4, who may not overtly display their talents or successes. This subtlety can sometimes mask their potential and capabilities, requiring them to find the right moments and platforms to showcase their strengths.

Perseverance and Practical Innovation

The energy of the number 4 fosters a sincere drive to establish new frameworks and structures, reflecting a pioneering spirit coupled with a practical, get-things-done attitude. This life path imbues individuals with great perseverance, enabling them to complete tasks that others might shy away from. While variants like 13 and 31 may lean more toward mental and contrarian tendencies, the core number 4 denotes steadfastness and stability.

Life Lessons and Social Integration

A crucial life lesson for those with life path number 4 is to find a sense of belonging and connection with humanity. When the energy of number 4 is suppressed, it can lead to feelings of alienation and bitterness. Conversely, an excess of this energy can manifest as purposeless rebellion. Integrating their innovative ideas with a communal spirit can help them avoid these pitfalls.

Fulfilling the Ultimate Calling

The ultimate calling for those on life path number 4 is to introduce innovative ideas that improve the world and develop new systems and structures. This path resonates with energies of universal inspiration and taps into higher mental planes, where groundbreaking concepts are often conceived. By embracing their unique perspective and transformative potential, individuals with life path number 4 can leave a lasting impact on society, building a legacy of innovation and stability.

Explore more about the numerology of 4 and its powerful implications in our online program "Chaldean Numerology for Beginners." Uncover every aspect of this archetype through the NP NUMBERS 1-99 ARCHETYPING SYSTEM™, detailed statistics, Tarot, Tree of life, and other numerological interpretations. Click here to learn more about Chaldean Numerology for Beginners and how you can start your journey towards deeper knowledge and understanding.

Tarot card for 4 "The Emperor"

Symbolic Representation and Authority

The Emperor, the fourth card in the Tarot, resonates profoundly with those on life path number 4. As a symbol of authority, stability, and structure, The Emperor embodies the essence of leadership and control, traits that align closely with the foundational and disciplined nature of life path number 4. Seated on a throne adorned with ram heads, The Emperor's presence commands respect and denotes his role as a rule-maker and protector of established order, mirroring the life path 4 individual’s natural inclination towards organization and reliability.

Wisdom and Governance

The Emperor’s long white beard is a sign of wisdom, reflecting a life of experience and the knowledge gained through overcoming challenges. This aligns with the life path number 4's journey, which often involves building a solid foundation through persistent effort and prudent decision-making. In his hands, The Emperor holds a globe and an Ankh, symbols of worldly dominion and eternal life, indicating his ability to make long-lasting impacts—a trait shared by those who walk the path of number 4, who strive to create enduring systems and structures.

Emotional Detachment and Practicality

The barren mountain behind The Emperor highlights the necessity of removing emotion in governance, a lesson for life path number 4 individuals who often benefit from balancing their emotional depth with practicality. This aspect of The Emperor teaches the importance of objective decision-making and maintaining emotional integrity, especially in leadership or managerial roles, where clear, rational thinking is essential for success.

Solidity and Material Achievement

The Emperor card strongly emphasizes the "solidity" aspect of the number 4. This tarot card speaks to building tangible achievements and establishing a sense of order and stability in one’s environment. For those guided by life path number 4, The Emperor serves as a reminder of their potential to manifest their vision into reality, encouraging them to pursue their goals with determination and a strategic approach.

Navigating Challenges with Authority

The Emperor's authoritative stance also suggests that life path number 4 individuals are well-equipped to handle challenges that require a firm hand and a clear mind. Their ability to lead and their unwavering focus on their objectives make them formidable in any endeavor they undertake. However, it’s crucial for them to remember the importance of balance and to incorporate flexibility and compassion in their leadership style.

Embracing The Emperor’s Qualities

For those on life path number 4, embracing the qualities of The Emperor means leveraging their inherent strengths—organization, discipline, and leadership—to build and maintain stability in their lives and the lives of others. By embodying the wisdom and authority of The Emperor, they can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and achieve their ambitions while providing structure and guidance to those around them. This card, like their life path, invites them to lead with integrity, enforce rules fairly, and create lasting legacies through their steadfast commitment and meticulous approach. To see an in depth description of this tarot card please read this article:


The 4 in balance is:

  • Solid
  • Pioneering
  • Secretive
  • Quietly determined
  • Innovative

The 4 unbalanced is

  • Contrarian, rebellious and in opposition
  • Anarchistic and has problems with authority
  • Isolating itself from others
  • Often seen as a bit strange and weird
  • The black sheep

LIFE PATH NUMBER 4 keywords for inspiration

The balanced aspects, traits and adjectives of life path 4 are:

Innovative thinking, originality, strength, courage, geniality, stamina, survival instinct, rebellious in a good way, big heart, new ideas, deep, secretive, soft and sensitive, helping, healer, therapeutical, pioneer, new thoughts, transformation, science, own opinions, unique style and taste, positive transformation.

The imbalanced aspects, traits and adjectives of life path 4 are:

Problems with authorities, anarchistic, fluctuating, confused, always in opposition, the black sheep, discontent, low self-confidence, restless, lonely, isolated, withdraws from the world, introverted, unwanted transformation .

Life path 4 is under the influence of URANUS

Balancing Stability with Revolutionary Spirit

For those on life path number 4, the Tarot’s Emperor card speaks to their stable and practical aspects, embodying structure, authority, and a disciplined approach to life. However, the influence of Uranus introduces a more dynamic, revolutionary dimension to this life path, highlighting the blend of traditional stability with an undercurrent of rebellious energy. This unique combination encourages life path number 4 individuals to not only build and maintain order but also to innovate and challenge the status quo.

Uranus: The Planet of Eccentricity and Change

Uranus, the coldest and one of the most enigmatic planets in our solar system, is characterized by its significant tilt of nearly 90 degrees, causing it to roll along its orbit rather than spin like other planets. This unique movement is reflective of the unconventional and contrarian streak found in those influenced by Uranus. Just as Uranus stands out with its vertical rings and rapid transitions between extreme seasons, individuals with life path number 4 can exhibit unexpected behaviors and ideas that set them apart from others, often challenging prevailing norms and expectations.

Mysterious and Profound

The appearance of Uranus, with its cloudy light blue hue and hidden interior of ice and rocks, parallels the mysterious and profound nature of those on this life path. They often do not reveal much about themselves at first glance, preferring to keep their deeper thoughts and feelings under wraps. This alignness with the quietness of Uranus, which, unlike Jupiter, does not make much noise even as one approaches it, highlighting a more introspective and thoughtful demeanor.

Symbolic Opposition and Transformation

The vertical orientation of Uranus’s rings, in contrast to Saturn’s horizontal rings, symbolizes a fundamental opposition to traditional paths and approaches. This aspect speaks to the life path number 4’s potential for sudden, transformative changes that can alter the course of their lives or impact broader societal structures. The lengthy and profound seasons on Uranus, where one hemisphere experiences prolonged light or darkness, symbolize the deep, thorough nature of these individuals when they commit to personal or professional projects.

Challenge and Continual Growth

Uranus’s fluctuating poles and its revolutionary orbit suggest that truth and standards are not fixed but are continually subject to challenge and reinterpretation. For life path number 4, this means a constant reevaluation of what stability means and how it can coexist with the need for innovation and change. Their journey involves navigating these dual impulses—creating and maintaining order while also breaking down barriers and ushering in new ways of thinking.

Embracing the Complexity of Uranus and Life Path Number 4

Individuals with life path number 4 are called to embrace the complexities of their dual influences—drawing on the stable, foundational energy of The Emperor and the revolutionary, transformative spirit of Uranus. By balancing these energies, they can effectively lead and inspire others, build lasting structures, and also pioneer significant changes that challenge the conventional and pave the way for new possibilities. Their ultimate success lies in their ability to harmonize these aspects, using their depth and profound insight to effect meaningful and lasting transformations.


Celebrities with life path 4

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A pythagorean life path number 4 corresponds to Chaldean life paths 4, 13 and 22

Celebrities with Chaldean life path 4

Evan Sharp: Forbes billionaire 2018
Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Schaeffler: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ralph Dommermuth: Forbes billionaire 2018
Seal: English singer-songwriter
William Henry Gates: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ricardo Salina Pliego: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bruce Karsh: Forbes billionaire 2018
Dilip Shanghvi: Forbes billionaire 2018
Nicolas Sarkozy: 23rd President of France
Vinod Khosla: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jeff Rothschild: Forbes billionaire 2018
Tom Morris: Forbes billionaire 2018
Oprah Winfrey: American TV talk show host and actress
Analjit Singh: Forbes billionaire 2018
Eiichi Kuriwada: Forbes billionaire 2018
Dolly Parton: American country singer
Heikki Kyostila: Forbes billionaire 2018
Koo Bon-Moo: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ole Buck: Danish composer
Tom Selleck: actor
Donna Caponi: American golfer
Lenny Wilkens: NBA Point Guard and Head Coach
Peter Max: American psychadelic artist
Cho Yang-Rai: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert McNair: Forbes billionaire 2018
Roger Miller: country singer
Jim Pattison: Forbes billionaire 2018
Leontyne Price: American opera soprano
Muriel Spark: Scottish writer
Bonnie Parker: American outlaw of Bonnie and Clyde fame
Coco the Clown: Famous Russian clown
James Chadwick: English physicist
Jomo Kenyatta: Kenyan leader and 1st President of Kenya
Bela Lugosi [Blaskó]: Austrian actor
Louis St. Laurent: 12th Prime Minister of Canada
Johannes V Jensen: Danish novelist/poet
Paul Dukas: French composer
Amedee-Ernest Chausson: composer
Mily Balakirev: Russian pianist and composer
George Hamilton-Gordon: 4th Earl of Aberdeen, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Arthur Phillip: British admiral, 1st Governor of New South Wales

Celebrities with Chaldean life path 13

Cameron Bright: Canadian actor
Haley Joel Osment: American actor
Joss Stone: English singer-songwriter
Kasper Schmeichel: Danish footballer
Drake [Aubrey Drake Graham]: Canadian actor and rapper
Jonathan Richter: Danish professional football midfielder
Lewis Hamilton: English auto racer
Thomas Kortegaard: Danish footballer
Dustin Aaron Moskovitz: Forbes billionaire 2018
Andrew Garfield: British American actor
Chris Hemsworth: Australian actor
Nicki Minaj: Trinidadian-American rapper and singer
Andy Roddick: American tennis player
Jennifer Hudson: American actress and singer
Meghan Markle: American former actress, Duchess of Sussex and wife of Prince Harry
Anders Nøhr: Danish footballer
Jake Gyllenhaal: American actor
Kim [Kimberly] Kardashian: American TV personality
Kate Hudson: American actress
Jennifer Love Hewitt: American actress
Usher: American singer
Min-Liang Tan: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jonathan Brandis: American actor
Jan Koum: Forbes billionaire 2018
Brandon Boyd: US musician
Kenji Kasahara: Forbes billionaire 2018
Marcus Luttrell: American former Navy SEAL
Ralf Schumacher: German Formula 1 race car driver
Eva Longoria: American actress
Jimmy Fallon: American actor and comedian
Jay Onrait: Canadian sports broadcaster
Hilary Swank: American actress
Jewel Kilcher: American singer-songwriter
Ken Jennings: American game show contestant
Lee Seo-Hyun: Forbes billionaire 2018
Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jan Magnussen: Danish racing driver
Mark Larsen: Danish gallop jockey
Lawrence Edward Page: Forbes billionaire 2018
Kevin Plank: American entrepreneur
Acharya Balkrishna: Forbes billionaire 2018
Igor Rybakov: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jennifer Garner [Affleck]: American actress
Jon Hamm: American actor
Zhou Hongyi: Forbes billionaire 2018
Eduardo Cojuangco: Forbes billionaire 2018
Matthew McConaughey: American actor
Puff Daddy [Sean Combs]: American rapper and record producer
Anil Rai Gupta: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ajay Devgan: Indian actor and bollywood star
Brian Laudrup: Danish footballer
Jason Bateman: American actor
Didier Deschamps: French footballer and coach
Kenneth Cordele Griffin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bill Burr: American comedian and podcaster
Nicole Kidman: American actress
Seth Klarman: Forbes billionaire 2018
Kim Taek-Jin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Doug McMillon: American CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Clifford Asness: Forbes billionaire 2018
Axel Oberwelland: Forbes billionaire 2018
Mike Tyson: American boxer
Georg von Opel: Forbes billionaire 2018
David Justice: American baseball player
Greg Maddux: Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher
Carl Douglas: Forbes billionaire 2018
Sarah Jessica Parker: American actress
Pyotr Aven: Forbes billionaire 2018
Keanu Reeves: Canadian actor
Tom Gores: Forbes billionaire 2018
Stephen Saad: Forbes billionaire 2018
Pavel Tykac: Forbes billionaire 2018
Hank Azaria: American actor
Wang Yusuo: Forbes billionaire 2018
Russell Crowe: Australian-New Zealand actor
Brad Pitt: American actor
Brunello Cucinelli: Forbes billionaire 2018
Sridevi Kapoor: Indian actress and film producer referred to as Indian cinema's "first female superstar"
Helen Hunt: American actress
Jet Li [Li Lianjie]: Chinese Singaporean actor and martial artist
Quentin Tarantino: American director and screenwriter
Alexander Nesis: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert Smith: Forbes billionaire 2018
Petter Stordalen: Forbes billionaire 2018
Demi Moore [Guynes]: American actress
Sheryl Crow: American singer-songwriter
Peter Jackson: New Zealand film director
Jesper Olsen: Danish footballer
Michael O'Leary: Forbes billionaire 2018
Julia Louis-Dreyfus: American comedienne and actress
Julianne Moore: American actress
Chey Tae-Won: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bono [Paul Hewson]: rocker
Anthony Pratt: Forbes billionaire 2018
William Lauder: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ayrton Senna: Brazilian Formula 1 driver
Enrique Razon, jr.: Forbes billionaire 2018
Frank Laukien: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bryan Stevenson: American social justice activist and founder of the Equal Justice Initiative
Bryan Adams: Canadian singer
Brian L Roberts: Forbes billionaire 2018
Penny Pritzker: Forbes billionaire 2018
Paul Gross: Canadian actor
Stephen Harper: 22nd Prime Minister of Canada
Robert Smith: Sussex, English rock guitarist and vocalist
Kapil Dev: Indian cricketer
Kjeld Inge Rokke: Forbes billionaire 2018
Sandi Toksvig: Danish-British comedian and radio presenter
Danny Meyer: American restaurateur
Andy Gibb: British singer-songwriter, performer and teen idol
Karen Pritzker: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lim Wee Chai: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ai Weiwei: Chinese artist and activist
David Kenneth Roy Thomson: Forbes billionaire 2018
Viktor Felixovich Vekselberg: Forbes billionaire 2018
Theodore Leonsis: Forbes billionaire 2018
J. Christopher Flowers: Forbes billionaire 2018
Larry Bird: American NBA star
Patty Sheehan: American golfer
Martina Navratilova: Czech/American tennis player
Vivek Chaand Sehgal: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lev Leviev: Forbes billionaire 2018
Gilles Martin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bryan Cranston: American actor
Jose Roberto Marinho: Forbes billionaire 2018
Kelcy Warren: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bernardo Matte: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ajay Piramal: Forbes billionaire 2018
Rosanne Cash: country singer
Shinzō Abe: Prime Minister of Japan
Michael Moritz: Forbes billionaire 2018
Alicia Koplowitz: Forbes billionaire 2018
K. Dinesh: Forbes billionaire 2018
Charles Ergen: Forbes billionaire 2018
Dan Cathy: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jeb Bush: American politician
Paul Allen: American business magnate
Paul Gardner Allen: Forbes billionaire 2018
Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ron Burkle: Forbes billionaire 2018
Roseanne Barr: American comedienne and TV star
David Ho: Taiwanese-American pioneering HIV/AIDS researcher
Jeff Goldblum: American actor
Vincent Bollore: Forbes billionaire 2018
Douglas Adams: English author
Aloys Wobben: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bob Geldof: Irish singer
Beate Heister: Forbes billionaire 2018
Vladimir Bogdanov: Forbes billionaire 2018
Chesley Sullenberger III: American pilot
Johann Rupert: Forbes billionaire 2018
Hortensia Herrero: Forbes billionaire 2018
Marcel Herrmann Telles: Forbes billionaire 2018
Alice Louise Walton: Forbes billionaire 2018
Isolde Liebherr: Forbes billionaire 2018
Micky Arison: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lionel Richie: American singer
Christopher Hitchens: English author and columnist
Bernard Jean Etienne Arnault: Forbes billionaire 2018
Baba Kalyani: Forbes billionaire 2018
Johnny Ramone [Cummings]: American rock guitarist
Kentaro Ogawa: Forbes billionaire 2018
Chua Thian Poh: Forbes billionaire 2018
John Bonham: English rock drummer
Francois Feuillet: Forbes billionaire 2018
Johnny Bench: MLB catcher
Larry Nelson: American golfer
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Austrian-American body builder, actor
: American NBA star
Elton John: English singer
Anne-Marie of Greece: Danish princess and daughter of Frederik IX
Michael Milken: American financier and partner
Donald Trump: 45th US President, real estate tycoon
Donald John Trump: Forbes billionaire 2018
Radhe Shyam Agarwal: Forbes billionaire 2018
Park Yeon-Cha: Forbes billionaire 2018
Zong Qinghou: Forbes billionaire 2018
Shiv Nadar: Forbes billionaire 2018
Massimo Moratti: Forbes billionaire 2018
Rick Barry: Basketball forward
Hasso Plattner: Forbes billionaire 2018
Joe Frazier: American heavyweight boxing champion
John Kerry: US Secretary of State
John Major: British Prime Minister
Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone: Forbes billionaire 2018
Charles Brandes: Forbes billionaire 2018
David Lawrence Geffen: Forbes billionaire 2018
Doris Kearns Goodwin: American historian and writer
Hu Jintao: General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Michael Crichton: novelist
He Xiangjian: Forbes billionaire 2018
Gary Kildall: American computer scientist and entrepreneur who created the CP/M operating system
Ratko Mladić: Bosnian Serb general during the Bosnian War
David Green: Forbes billionaire 2018
Blase Thomas Golisano: Forbes billionaire 2018
Dagmar Dolby: Forbes billionaire 2018
Gilberto Benetton: Forbes billionaire 2018
Neil Diamond: American singer-songwriter
Ulf Pilgaard: Danish actor
Herb Chambers: Forbes billionaire 2018
Marc Ladreit De Lacharriere: Forbes billionaire 2018
Dave DeBusschere: NBA forward
Francis Holder: Forbes billionaire 2018
Tony Sheridan: English singer-songwriter and guitarist who collaborated with The Beatles
David Hamilton Koch: Forbes billionaire 2018
William Koch: Forbes billionaire 2018
David McMurtry: Forbes billionaire 2018
Antti Aarnio-Wihuri: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lee Shin Cheng: Forbes billionaire 2018
Edward Roski, Jr. : Forbes billionaire 2018
Jimmie Lee Jackson: American civil rights protester who was shot and killed by an Alabama State Trooper in 1965
Gordon Lightfoot: Canadian folksinger
Laurence Graff: Forbes billionaire 2018
Charles Edelstenne: Forbes billionaire 2018
Peter Ueberroth: American organizer of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and commissioner of baseball
Clayton Riddell: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jørgen Leth: Danish film director
Patrick G Ryan: Forbes billionaire 2018
Juvénal Habyarimana: Rwandan General, Dictator and President of Rwanda
Edmund Ansin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Woody Allen: American film director and actor
Luciano Pavarotti: Italian operatic tenor
Michael Parkinson: English broadcaster and talkshow host
Charles Manson: American criminal, murderer and cult leader
Bill Russell: American basketball star
Bill Bixby: actor
Willie Nelson: American country singer
Harry Oskar Triguboff : Forbes billionaire 2018
Eduardo Eurnekian: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert Mundell: Canadian economist and Nobel laureate
Hal Jackman: Forbes billionaire 2018
Donald Leroy Bren: Forbes billionaire 2018
Nathan Kirsh: Forbes billionaire 2018
Kushal Pal Singh: Forbes billionaire 2018
Sheela Gautam: Forbes billionaire 2018
Desmond Tutu: Anglican Archbishop of South Africa and 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner
Morris Chang: Forbes billionaire 2018
Walter Scott, jr. : Forbes billionaire 2018
Chang-Woo Han: Forbes billionaire 2018
Chinua Achebe: Nigerian author
Toru Takemitsu: Japanese composer
Clint Eastwood: American actor
Harvey Milk: American politician and gay activist
Steve McQueen: American actor called "The King of Cool" during the 1960s
Arnold Palmer: American golfer
Kirsten Rolffes: Danish actress
Ernesto : Argentine Marxist revolutionary
Beji Caid Essebsi: Tunisia's 1st freely elected President
Pete Rozelle: American NFL commissioner
Morton Feldman: American composer
Margaret Thatcher: British Prime Minister
Gustav Winckler: Danish singer
Geraldine Page: American actress
Robert Kuok Hock Nien: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jake LaMotta: American middleweight boxing champion
Charlie Sifford: American professional golfer
Otto Graham: American NFL Quarterback
Judy Holliday: American comedienne and actress
Vera-Ellen: American actress and dancer
Hua Guofeng: Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Charlie Parker: American jazz saxophonist
Marcel Adams: Forbes billionaire 2018
Pierre Berton: Canadian author
Strother Martin: American actor
Nat King Cole: American singer
Ingmar Bergman: Swedish stage and film director
William Holden [Beedle]: American actor
Betty [Bloomer] Ford: US 1st lady
Sidney Sheldon: American novelist and playwright
Eugene McCarthy: American politician
Harold Wilson: British Prime Minister
Frank Sinatra: American singer
Thor Heyerdahl: Norwegian anthropologist and explorer
Tenzing Norgay: Tibetan climber who was the 1st to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1953 with Edmund Hillary
Vince Lombardi: American football coach
Muddy Waters [McKinley Morganfield]: American blues guitarist
Mary Leakey: British paleoanthropologist, discovered earliest human footprints
Witold Roman Lutoslawski: Komponist
Dorothy Height: American civil rights and women's rights activist
Lightnin' [Sam] Hopkins: American blues musician
José Ferrer: Puerto Rican actor and director
William Golding: English novelist
Marshall McLuhan: Canadian writer
Betty Nuthall: English tennis player
Jack Ruby: American assassin who killed assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
Jane Wyatt: American actress
Gloria Stuart: American actress
Bayard Rustin: American civil rights leader
Claire Trevor [Wemlinger]: American actress
Kwame Nkrumah: 1st Prime Minister of Ghana
Mel Hein: American NFL center
Edwin Land: American inventor of instant photography and co-founder of the Polaroid Corporation
Olivier Messiaen: French composer
Hannah Arendt: German political theorist and historian
Helen Wills Moody: American tennis player
John Peters Humphrey: Canadian jurist and human rights advocate
Denny Shute: American golfer and three-time major champion
Fats Waller [Thomas Wright]: American jazz singer and composer
Robert Oppenheimer: American theoretical physicist known as the father of the atomic bomb
Alec Douglas-Home: British Prime Minister
George Gallup: American survey sampling pioneer and inventor of the Gallup poll
Enrico Fermi: Italian-American nuclear physicist, gone fission, fermium
Anastasia Nikolaevna: Daughter of the last Russian Tsar
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon: British consort of King George VI and Queen Mother after his death
Kai Munk: Danish playwright and Lutheran pastor, martyr
Wallis Simpson [Duchess of Windsor]: American divorcee whom British King Edward VIII abdicated his throne to marry
George VI: King of the United Kingdom
Carl Orff: German composer
Jose Paciano Laurel y Garcia: 3rd President of the Philippines
Walter Knott: American farmer who created the Knott's Berry Farm amusement park in California and introduced the boysenberry to America
Warner Baxter: American actor
Carl Theodor Dreyer: Danish director
Katherine Mansfield: New Zealand short story writer
Le Corbusier [Charles Jeanneret]: Swiss French architect, city planner and artist
Eddie Collins: Hall of Fame baseball infielder
David Ben-Gurion: 1st Prime Minister of Israel
Marcel Dupré: French organist and composer
Rube Goldberg: American cartoonist
John Maynard Keynes: English economist whose ideas changed the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics
Joaquín Turina: Spanish pianist and composer
Damon Runyon: American journalist and writer
Will Rogers: American humorist and actor
Dame Adeline Genée: Danish-British ballerina
James J. Jeffries: American heavyweight boxer
Maurice Ravel: French composer
Mackenzie King: 10th Prime Minister of Canada
Guglielmo Marconi: Italian radio inventor
Robert Frost: American poet
Pío Baroja y Nessi: Spanish Basque writer, author of over 100 novels
Ralph Vaughan Williams: English composer
Henri Matisse: French impressionist painter
Valdemar Poulsen: Danish engineer who invented devices for radio broadcasting
Emilio Aguinaldo: 1st President of the Philippines
Scott Joplin: American ragtime entertainer and composer
Marie Curie: Polish-French scientist who discovered radium and the 1st woman to win a Nobel Prize
William Orlamond: Danish actor
Jeppe Aakjær: Danish writer
Albert Gottschalk: Danish painter
Thomas B. Thrige: Danish industrialist
Herbert Henry Dow: American chemical industrialist
Jean Sibelius: Finnish composer
Isaac Albéniz: Spanish pianist and composer
Hugo Wolf: Austrian composer
John Jellicoe: 1st Earl Jellicoe, British Admiral of the Fleet
Sigmund Freud: Austrian neurologist and father of psychology
Calamity Jane: American frontierswoman
Johan L E Dreyer: Danish astronomer
J. P. [Jens Peter] Jacobsen: Danish writer
Louis Riel: Canadian politician, founder of the province of Manitoba and leader of the Métis people of the Canadian prairies
Charles-Marie Widor: French organist, composer and professor
J. P. Morgan: Sr. [John Pierpont], American financier and philanthropist
Grover Cleveland: 22nd and 24th US President
Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens]: American author
Matthew Arnold: English poet and critic
Gregor Mendel: Austrian monk and geneticist
Clara Barton: American nurse and founder of the American Red Cross
Theodor Mommsen: German historian and scholar
Samuel Colt: American inventor and industrialist
Richard Wagner: German composer
Elisha Otis: American founder of the Otis Elevator Company and inventor of a safety device that prevents elevators from falling if the hoisting cable fails
Harriet Beecher Stowe: American author
Andrew Johnson: 17th US President
John Stuart Mill: English philosopher, political economist and utilitarian
Joseph Smith Jr: American founder of the Mormon Church
John Deere: American blacksmith and manufacturer
George Childress: Lawyer, statesman
David Farragut: American admiral
William H. Seward: American politician
George Bancroft: American historian
William Henry Fox Talbot: English photographic pioneer
Edward Smith-Stanley: 14th Earl of Derby, British Prime Minister
Charles Lyell: Scottish geologist
Abraham Gesner: Canadian geologist
John Tyler: 10th US President
Bernard Severin Ingemann: Danish author
Robert Peel: British Prime Minister
Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger: Danish poet
Peter Grønland: Danish composer
Georges Danton: French politician and revolutionary
Marie Antoinette: Queen of France
Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre: French mathematician and astronomer
Abigail Adams: 2nd US First Lady
Immanuel Kant: German philosopher
Christoph W Ritter von Gluck: Austria composer
David Hume: Scottish philosopher and historian
Elizabeth of Russia [Elizaveta Petrovna]: Empress of Russia
Alexander Pope: English poet
Henry Purcell: English organist/composer
John Locke: English empiricist philosopher; influential Enlightenment thinker and "Father of Liberalism"
Christoffer Gabel: Danish statesman
Ole Worm: Danish physician
Thomas Hobbes: English philosopher
Johan Friis: chancellor
Jacques Cartier: French explorer who claimed what is now Canada for France
Henry VIII: King of England
Leo X [Giovanni de' Medici]: Italian Pope
Leonardo da Vinci: Italian painter, sculptor, scientist and visionary
Pedro: the Cruel, Spanish King of Castilia and Leon
Edward III: King of England
Alexander Nevsky: Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Vladimir, considered the key figure in medieval Rus
Constantine the Great: Roman emperor

Celebrities with Chaldean life path 22

Thomas Müller: German football player
Rupert Grint: English actor
Avril Lavigne: Canadian singer-songwriter
Eva Green: French actress and model
Kim Rhode: American double trap and skeet shooter
Miroslav Klose: German footballer
Thierry Henry: French footballer
Tupac Shakur: American rapper and actor
David Tennant: Scottish actor
Lord Nicholas Windsor: youngest son of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
Chris O'Donnell: American actor
Joseph Fiennes: English actor
Tina Fey: American actress and comedian
Mathias Kamprad: Forbes billionaire 2018
Will Smith: American actor and rapper
Ziyavudin Magomedov: Forbes billionaire 2018
Denise Coates: Forbes billionaire 2018
James Packer: Australian businessman, son of Kerry Packer
Deion Sanders: American NFL corner-back/wide receiver and MLB player
Adam Sandler: American actor, comedian
Martin Crowe: New Zealand cricketer and batsman
Shinya Yamanaka: Japanese physician
Ulla Tørnæs: Danish politician
Patrick Ewing: NBA center
Chairul Tanjung: Forbes billionaire 2018
Craig Ferguson: Scottish actor, writer and comedian
Lise Lyng Falkenberg: Danish writer
Andrei Kozitsyn: Forbes billionaire 2018
Tim Raines: American baseball player
Shari Arison: Forbes billionaire 2018
Rana Kapoor: Forbes billionaire 2018
Rick Moranis: Canadian actor
Mike Shanahan: American football coach
Micky Jagtiani: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lim Kok Thay: Forbes billionaire 2018
Anjelica Huston: American actress
Richard Branson: British music entrepreneur
Shahid Khan: Forbes billionaire 2018
Viktor Yanukovych: Ukrainian politician
William Conway, Jr.: Forbes billionaire 2018
Taha Mikati: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert Hanssen: FBI agent and Soviet spy
Marty Schottenheimer: American football coach
George Roberts: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lee Myung-Hee: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jimmy Johnson: American NFL coach
Newt Gingrich: American politician
Barry Manilow [Barry Alan Pincus]: American singer/pianist
Emmerson Mnangagwa : Zimbabwean politician
Paul McCartney: English musician and member of The Beatles
Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler-Thumann: Forbes billionaire 2018
Kathy Whitworth: American golfer
Gerry Harvey: Forbes billionaire 2018
14th Dalai Lama: Tibetan spiritual leader of Tibet's Lamaistic Buddhists
V.S. Naipaul: British novelist
Anne Bancroft: American actress, director, screenwriter and singer
René Goscinny: French cartoonist
Efraín Ríos Montt: Guatemalan general and dictator convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity
Miles Davis: American jazz musician, trumpeter and composer
David Attenborough: Naturalist, TV producer and host
Hugh Hefner: American magazine publisher and businessman
Oscar Peterson: Canadian jazz pianist and composer
Barbara Bush: First Lady of the US
George Mikan: American NBA center
Lee Kuan Yew: Founding father of modern Singapore and 1st Prime Minister of Singapore
Louise Suggs: American golfer
Aldo Moro: Italian Prime Minister
Lloyd : American jazz and R&B guitarist
Francis Crick: English molecular biologist who co-discovered DNA's structure and 1962 Nobel laureate
Orville Redenbacher: American popcorn magnate
Rachel Carson: American marine biologist, conservationist and writer
Clarence Campbell: Canadian 3rd president of the NHL
Frederick Ashton: British choreographer
Leo Diegel: American golfer
Ebbe Hamerik: Danish composer
Stan Laurel: [Arthur Stanley Jefferson], English comedian
Walter Lippmann: American journalist/political writer
Joseph P Kennedy: diplomat, father of JFK, RFK & Teddy
T. E. Lawrence [Lawrence of Arabia]: British author, soldier and diplomat famous for his liaison role in Arabia during WWI
Hugh S. Johnson: American head of the National Recovery Administration and member of FDR's Brain Trust
Otto Frederick Rohwedder: American engineer
James Weldon Johnson: American civil rights activist, leader of the NAACP and Harlem Renaissance poet
Grandma Moses [Anna Maria]: American primitive painter
Thomas Eakins: American artist
Charles J. Guiteau: American assassin of US President James A. Garfield
Antonín Dvořák: Czech composer
Thomas Nast: German political cartoonist of late 1800s America
Samuel Morse: American inventor
James Fenimore Cooper: 1st major American novelist
Edward Gibbon: English historian
Pyotr Alexeyevich Romanov: Tsar of Russia
Ole Rømer: Danish astronomer
Robert Hooke: English scientist
Gerolamo Cardano: Italian mathematician and astrologer
Richard I: King of England

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