Numerology and the life paths
Life path 17 Meaning

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Planet Saturn associated with the numerology of 8

The Star

The digits in the number 17 have the digit sum 8 which resonates with the planet Saturn. 17 is often written as 17/8 where the digit sum is placed after the slash. To understand 17 more in depth we recommend you also read more about the digit sum 8 here.

Life path 17 is a Chaldean numerology concept and does not exist in Pythagorean numerology

Pythagorean numerology operates with the life path numbers 1 to 9 together with 11, 22 and 33.
Chaldean numerology operates with the life path numbers (called small life path numbers) 1 to 27 together with the big life path numbers 3 to 48

What are your Pythagorean and Chaldean life path numbers?

Pythagorean Numerology: In this traditional Western system, the Life Path number is derived by reducing your birth date to a single digit or a Master Number (11, 22, or 33). This number represents the core of your personality, reflecting your natural tendencies, talents, and challenges.

Chaldean Numerology: This ancient system provides a different perspective. Here, your Chaldean Life Path number is calculated by summing the fully reduced values of your day, month, and year of birth. Unlike the Pythagorean method, this sum is not reduced further, so if you have pythagorean life path number 8, you have Chaldean life path number 8, 17 or 26. The Chaldean life path number also represents the core of your personality. Additionally, Chaldean numerology introduces the "Big Life Path number," which is obtained by adding all the digits of your full birthdate without any reduction, capturing the full strength of your numerological influences. The big life path number represents your greatest potential.

Use the calculator below to find out both your Pythagorean Life Path number and your Chaldean Life Path numbers, including the Big Life Path number. Once you have found your numbers you can click on them to get to the relevant article.


Life Path 17: Its Meaning and Significance

Your life path vibration is 17 - written in numerology as 17/8. This number gives you an energy of 'celebrity' and 'stardom'. You will have an innate ability to stand on a stage, to shine like a star and to tap into the deep archetypal currents of art and beauty and communicate these aspects to humanity.

1 and 7 add up to 8, which is the primary energy in 17/8 and the number of Saturn.

With its rings and a mysterious hexagon at its north pole, Saturn is one of the more eccentric planets. Saturn resonates with the earth element and was the Roman god of the harvest - called Kronos by the Greeks, a god who ruled in the early days when everyone lived in harmony with nature.

The number 8 is a strong personality with a high survival rate and the ability to never give up in the face of hardship. As an 8 you are focused, ambitious and have a high intellect. The 8 can typically plan everything in their mind before executing the plan in real life.

Saturn is the planet of fate and karma, so you may have faced many difficulties and obstacles in life. But this has also given you tremendous perseverance to overcome any challenge.

The symbol of the number 8 is the same as the symbol of infinity, and so the number 8 resonates with eternity. Many 8s are remembered after their death.

As an 8, you can be both passionate, well-organised and intensely spiritual or driven by a higher purpose. 8s naturally become philosophers, artists, freedom fighters, religious leaders, judges, politicians or administrators.

8s in balance combine their spirituality with a practical sense, whereas an 8 in imbalance is either exclusively in the upper or lower part of the 8 - neglecting either the spiritual or the material side of life. This can make the 8 overly materialistic or overly mental or spiritual like an imbalanced 7.

Like Saturn, 8s are unique and eccentric. They go their own way and are not influenced by what others think of them.

Inside, they can feel misunderstood and lonely, and often want to be alone. They see it as a weakness to ask for help and hide their feelings from others, who may see them as cold and cynical. But they have a big heart and high moral values, and once they feel respected they will do anything for others.

An 8 in balance is warm, passionate, at peace with themselves, honest and loyal.

When the 8 energy is weak, the 8 becomes insecure about everything and everyone and is afraid to show who they really are. They don't trust anyone and end up letting everyone down. They are also disturbed by negative energies which weaken their judgement.

When the energy of the 8 is too strong, the 8 becomes irascible, impatient and verbally aggressive. They become brash and selfish with their agendas and can be cold-blooded, power-hungry people.

The 17/8 variant of the 8 - THE STAR

The 17/8 variant of the 8 is the most beautiful and spiritually minded of the 8's.

The symbolism of the number 17/8 is that the chakras are in full balance and this has a positive effect on the body so that you have a proper metabolism and a healthy hormonal balance. The 1 in 17/8 is the sun shining on the 7 chakras, creating the number 8, the number of eternal balance.

Artistic and intuitive

The number 17 helps you to express the collective archetypal human emotions through art and communication. You will also have an exceptionally awakened intuition - the greatest of all the numbers.

Talented with a high intellect

Because of your awakened intuition and access to the archetypal levels, you know how to attract new knowledge without having to work so hard for it. You can pick up new skills and receive new knowledge extremely quickly through a process of transference where you vibrate with the knowledge and download it from the macrocosm into your microcosm.

People with 17/8 are therefore often very talented and knowledgeable. It is also a number of high intellect and all-round intelligence, combining practical sense with deep intuition and logical thinking. Many artists and actors have the number 17/8.

The Number of Eternity

As we mentioned earlier, the number 8 is the number of eternity, also known as the number of eternal life. In the number 17 this is expressed by the fact that you have a unique charisma that people notice and will always remember you for.

When you walk into a room, you light it up so that people notice you.
When you express yourself through words, writing or art, you become a channel of archetypal emotions that affect people on a deep level. You touch people directly in the heart, and it is said that you will be remembered by many - even after death.

Imbalanced tendencies

If the number 17 is unbalanced by unbalanced numbers in the chart, it becomes AFRAID of the spotlight.

You could also develop hormonal imbalances, problems with your metabolism and gain too much weight - or lose it.

As a 17, you are easily seen and noticed - but this can also be in a negative way.

You can also be easily irritated by small things. When we study the number 17 in the diamond, we notice that there are two numbers 15/6 in the number 17. This gives the number 17 considerable charisma and access to parallel astral worlds, as the number 15 has - but it can also give many of the negative qualities of the number 15 - for example an extreme hypersensitivity that makes the number 15 freak out over small things, and even a tendency for the number 17 to become manipulative.

Negative spotlight

The unbalanced 17 can have a very ambivalent relationship with the spotlight. On the one hand you may be good and natural on stage - but at the same time you have a resistance to it.

You can also be very quick to take the blame for things because you're the first person everyone notices. For example, as a child you may have had the experience of being scolded by your teacher for something you didn't do, just because you were the one everyone noticed or had in mind.

A karma number

The karmic number 17/8 is such a powerful number that it should only appear once in your horoscope! You have 17 as your life path number, but if you have it elsewhere in your chart, the energy of 17 becomes too powerful and possibly overwhelming.

Spotlight allergy

If you have too many 17/8's in your chart, you may develop something called "spotlight allergy". This means that you are allergic to being visible to other people - for example, being on stage, being in the spotlight, talking in front of others, being photographed and even showing your face.

In severe cases, 17/8 may avoid social gatherings where there is a risk of being in the limelight. It may also hate having a Facebook profile where private information can suddenly be revealed. The 17/8 may also wish to have a secret address and protect themselves by using a pseudonym.

Shy 17/8 celebrities

Many 17/8 artists and actors find special ways to share their art without anyone knowing who they are, such as using a pseudonym or performing in disguise. For example, the singer Sia performs with her back to the audience and has the number 17/8 twice in her chart.

The singer Adele is so afraid of the audience that she has left the stage through one of the exits several times and has even thrown up due to stage fright. She has 17/8 in both her centres.

One of the best examples is probably Elvis Presley, who had 17/8 3 times in his numerological chart and was known for having to dope himself to be able to go on stage - which eventually led to his death (pill overdose).

CHEIRO and other sources

The famous Chaldean numerologist Cheiro writes: "This is a highly spiritual number and is expressed in symbolism by the 8-pointed Star of Venus, a symbol of peace and love. It is also called the "Star of the Magi" and expresses that the person it represents has risen in spirit above the trials and difficulties of his life or career. It is considered a number of immortality and that the person's name will live after them. It is a lucky number when it is associated with future events, provided it is not associated with the single numbers of fours and eights. "

The Vedic numerology scriptures say that the number 17 will face many challenges in life, but through hard work you will overcome all obstacles and achieve celebrity status and wealth and be remembered forever.

Explore more about the numerology of 17 and its powerful implications in our online program "Chaldean Numerology for Beginners." Uncover every aspect of this archetype through the NP NUMBERS 1-99 ARCHETYPING SYSTEM™, detailed statistics, Tarot, Tree of life, and other numerological interpretations. Click here to learn more about Chaldean Numerology for Beginners and how you can start your journey towards deeper knowledge and understanding.

Tarot card for 17 "The Star"

Exploring The Star Tarot Card: Resonance with Life Path Number 17

The Star, designated as the 17th card in the Tarot deck, embodies hope, inspiration, and a profound connection to one's inner and divine guidance. This card holds significant relevance for individuals on life path number 17, symbolizing their potential for spiritual insight and their role as beacons of inspiration to others.

The Symbolism of The Star

The Star typically depicts a serene figure pouring water onto the land and into a body of water under a starlit sky, symbolizing the nourishing of the earth and the soul. This image perfectly encapsulates the essence of life path number 17, which often involves bringing healing and enlightenment not just to oneself but to the wider community. The presence of stars in the card suggests a link to the celestial and cosmic forces, reinforcing the idea of connection to universal truths and energies.

Spiritual Enlightenment and Artistic Expression

For those on life path number 17, The Star tarot card emphasizes their journey towards spiritual awakening and the expression of their innate artistic talents. The card encourages tapping into the collective unconscious and channeling those discoveries into forms that resonate and inspire. It is a reminder of the healing power of transparency and the sharing of one’s spiritual and creative gifts.

The Healing Powers of The Star

The Star card is also a symbol of hope and rejuvenation, suggesting that after a period of hardship, there is always a phase of renewal and brighter prospects. This aligns with the experiences of those guided by life path number 17, who may face significant challenges but also possess the resilience and charisma to overcome them and emerge stronger. The Star reassures that one's inner light is always present and ready to lead the way forward.

The Role of Intuition

Intuition is a significant theme in The Star tarot card, as it represents the unspoken and often unseen forces that guide us. For life path number 17 individuals, developing and trusting their intuition is crucial. The Star encourages them to trust in their inner wisdom and to use it as a guiding force in their life, enhancing their ability to make decisions that are aligned with their highest good.

Bringing Inspiration to Others

Life path number 17 is inherently linked with the ability to influence and inspire others. The Star card underscores this capacity, depicting the calm assurance that one's actions and presence can be a profound source of inspiration and guidance. It is a call for those on this path to embrace their role as mentors or role models, using their experiences and insights to light the way for others.

The Star as a Beacon for Life Path Number 17

The Star tarot card is a powerful symbol for those on life path number 17, embodying their spiritual depth, artistic prowess, and the potential to profoundly impact the world around them. It serves as a reminder of the importance of staying connected to one's core principles and values and using one's gifts to foster hope, healing, and inspiration. By aligning with the energies of The Star, individuals with life path number 17 can fulfill their destiny as influential guides and visionaries, making a lasting impression on both their immediate environment and the broader world. To see an in depth description of this tarot card please read this article:


The 17 in balance is:

  • Artistically gifted and has an exceptional intuition
  • Shining in the spotlight and is remembered
  • A channel for archetypal feelings through art and knowledge
  • Visible and noticed all the time (for good or bad)
  • Very talented and unifies spirituality and practicality

The 17 unbalanced is

  • Getting negative attention and blame for things it didn't do
  • Very private and intensely afraid of the spotlight
  • Easily irritated over the small practicalities of life
  • Afraid of being unfairly judged and getting 'burnt at the stake'
  • Having all the details of its private life exposed

LIFE PATH NUMBER 17 keywords for inspiration

The balanced aspects, traits and adjectives of life path 17 are:

Will always be remembered, good in the spotlight and shines on stage, likes to be seen, has star quality, is loved by people, is looked up to and admired, is a role model, fascinating and compelling radiance, intense spirituality and intuition, experiences divine intervention, high positions in the community, highly respected, improving itself until perfection, puts it personal touch on everything, physical beauty or beautiful charisma, divine proportions in body and features, charismatic communication, a channel for archetypal emotions, artistic talent, in touch with his feelings, feels life at the deepest of levels, follows its intuition, great depth wisdom and human knowledge, brings spirituality and beauty, is raised above the problems of life, all chakras are in balance.

The imbalanced aspects, traits and adjectives of life path 17 are:

Attracts negative attention, is unlucky, intense fear of the spotlight, others want to pull you down, others make you a villain, you are seen as a "witch", afraid to get "burnt on the stake", switches off it's inner light, does ordinary and boring things to avoid being in the spotlight, attempts to blend in and to be gray, gets the blame (even for something it hasn't done), is discredited, resistance to stand up, strength is blocked, keeps its skills to itself, only a few people see one's qualities, obstacles and difficulties, life feels like a struggle, private things are revealed, paranoia and fear of being persecuted, fear of the public, fear of going out, extremely private, feels uncomfortable with other people, inner turmoil, emotional instability, imbalance in the chakras, hormonal diseases, unfortunate appearance that creates negative attention.

Life path 17 is under the influence of SATURN

Understanding the Influence of Saturn on Life Path Number 17

Saturn, known for its striking rings and distinctive features, plays a crucial role in shaping the characteristics and life journey of individuals with life path number 17. This planet's symbolism and attributes resonate deeply with the challenges and strengths inherent in this life path.

Saturn's Aesthetic and Symbolic Significance

Saturn is not only celebrated for its physical beauty—highlighted by its vast ring system—but also for its profound symbolic meanings. The unique hexagonal cloud pattern at its north pole, spanning wider than Earth, is particularly significant. This hexagon, with its six sides, links to the number 6, symbolizing love, beauty, and the deep emotional undercurrents that define life path number 17.

The Symbolism of Saturn's Rings

The majestic rings of Saturn are often viewed as symbols of the planet's resonance with concepts of eternity and lasting memory. However, they also represent the barriers that Saturn imposes, both metaphorically and energetically. For those on life path number 17, these rings signify their occasional inclination to maintain a safe emotional distance from others, often stemming from mistrust or skepticism.

The Dichotomy of Saturn's Influence

Individuals influenced by Saturn often experience a dichotomy between their outward appearance and inner desires. While they may project an image of coldness or alienation, at their core lies a longing for profound and meaningful connections. This inner desire for depth and emotional fulfillment is frequently masked by their external defenses, symbolized by Saturn's icy rings.

Pragmatism and Material Security

Saturn people value order, structure, and material security. They are not fans of superficiality and often prioritize practical and tangible outcomes. Saturn, as a planet of karma and fate, teaches that rewards come through persistence and hard work. Individuals with life path number 17 learn that they must rely heavily on their own efforts to achieve their goals.

Methodical Approach and Reliability

Life path number 17 individuals are known for their pragmatic, cautious, and methodical approach to life. They honor rules and laws and are punctual and reliable in all their endeavors. Their hardworking nature and persistence are crucial in achieving their ambitions and ideas, aligning with Saturn’s demands for discipline and responsibility.

Demands for Loyalty and Stability

The energy of Saturn not only seeks material well-being but also a certainty of the future. This influences those on life path number 17 to both give and expect loyalty in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional engagements. Their reliability is one of their strongest traits, earning them trust and respect from those around them.

Conclusion: Embracing Saturn's Lessons

For those guided by life path number 17, understanding and integrating Saturn’s lessons is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. By embracing the discipline, structure, and persistence that Saturn symbolizes, and by learning to lower their emotional barriers, they can achieve not only material success but also deepen their relationships and personal satisfaction. Saturn challenges them to find a balance between their need for external control and their deep, often hidden desire for emotional engagement and connection.


Celebrities with life path 17

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Life path number 17

Jake Paul: American YouTube personality
Freja Beha Erichsen: Danish model
Hilary Duff: actress and singer
Sebastian Vettel: German racing driver
Usain Bolt: Jamaican sprinter
Mohammed bin Salman: Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
Jacky Xu: Forbes billionaire 2018
Patrick Stump: American musician
Amy Winehouse: British singer
Agnete Kirk Thinggaard: Forbes billionaire 2018
Roger Federer: Swiss tennis player
Jessica Simpson: American singer and popstar
Abby Wambach: American Soccer player
Kimi Räikkönen: Finnish auto racer
Joe Thornton: Canadian hockey player
Iva Majoli: Croatian tennis player
Jesper Grønkjær: Danish footballer
Tom Brady: American football player
James Van Der Beek: American actor
Yoshikazu Tanaka: Forbes billionaire 2018
Poul Hübertz: Danish footballer
Jonas Bjerre: Danish singer and guitarist
Lauryn Hill: American singer-songwriter
Enrique Iglesias: Spanish singer-songwriter and King of Latin Pop
Mohammed Dewji: Forbes billionaire 2018
Derek Jeter: American baseball shortstop
Vijay Shekhar Sharma: Indian founder and CEO of mobile payments company Paytm
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Leader of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL): born in Samarra, Iraq
Missy Elliott: American rapper
Anton Rabie: Forbes billionaire 2018
Idina Menzel: American actress and singer born in Queens, New York
Konstantin Nikolaev: Forbes billionaire 2018
Matt Damon: American actor
Naomi Campbell: English model and actress
Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lei Jun: Chinese Businessman and founder of Xiaomi Inc
Søren Rasted: Danish musician
Cate Blanchett: Australian actress
Paul Rudd: American actor
Owen Wilson: American actor
Jay Y. Lee: Forbes billionaire 2018
Faith Hill [Audrey Faith Perry]: American country pop singer
Philip Seymour Hoffman: American actor
Halle Berry: American actress
Helena Bonham Carter: British actress
Cynthia Nixon: American actress
Dmitry Medvedev: Russian politician
Marlee Matlin: American actress and the only deaf performer to win an Academy Award
Zhang Xuexin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Zhang Xin: Forbes billionaire 2018
David Robinson: American NBA center
Pat Cash: Australian tennis player
Steve Yzerman: Canadian Hockey Hall of Fame forward
Sandra Bullock: American actress
Anne Beaufour: Forbes billionaire 2018
Edward Lampert: Forbes billionaire 2018
Margarita Louis-Dreyfus: Forbes billionaire 2018
Zhang Wenzhong: Forbes billionaire 2018
Frank Fertitta, III.: Forbes billionaire 2018
Koo Bon-Joon: Forbes billionaire 2018
Wang Jian: Forbes billionaire 2018
Frank Bruno: English boxer
Nicolas Berggruen: Forbes billionaire 2018
Joko Widodo: Indonesian politician
Daryl Katz: Forbes billionaire 2018
Dennis Rodman: NBA forward
Robert Carlyle: British actor
Andrei Kosogov: Forbes billionaire 2018
Wayne Gretzky: Canadian NHL great scorer
RuPaul [Andre Charles]: American drag queen, actor, singer and TV personality
Jean-Claude Van Damme: Belgian actor
Colin Firth: English actor
Todd R Wagner: Forbes billionaire 2018
Richard Linklater: American filmmaker
Philippe of Belgium: King of the Belgians
Ivan Lendl: American, Czech tennis player
Joe Carter: American MLB outfielder
Dino Ciccarelli: Canadian NHL right wing
Guy Laliberté: founder of Cirque du Soleil
Paul Foster: Forbes billionaire 2018
Domenico Dolce: Italian fashion designer
Rafael Del Pino y Calvo-Sotelo: Forbes billionaire 2018
Christopher Cline: Forbes billionaire 2018
Mikhail Gutseriev: Forbes billionaire 2018
Nick Cave: Australian singer-songwriter
Tilman Fertitta: Forbes billionaire 2018
Bill Cowher: American football coach
Seve Ballesteros: Spanish golfer
Louis Bacon: Forbes billionaire 2018
Chris Isaak: American rock singer-songwriter
Clemens Toennies: Forbes billionaire 2018
Renzo Rosso: Italian clothing designer
Farkhad Akhmedov: Forbes billionaire 2018
Masahiro Miki: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert Fisher: Forbes billionaire 2018
Hamdi Akin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Howard Schultz: Forbes billionaire 2018
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers: Forbes billionaire 2018
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw: Forbes billionaire 2018
Allan Simonsen: Danish footballer
Craig Newmark: American founder of craigslist
Tsai Hong-tu: Forbes billionaire 2018
Anatoly Lomakin: Forbes billionaire 2018
Pete Farndon: English musician
Philip Green: Forbes billionaire 2018
Edward Lee Howard: American CIA Case Officer and alleged Soviet spy who defected to the Soviet Union in 1985
Vasily Anisimov: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robin Williams: American actor and comedian
Joseph Lau Luen Hung: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jean-Claude Duvalier: Deposed Haitian president-for-life
Sir Richard Hadlee: New Zealand cricket all-rounder
Michael Price: Forbes billionaire 2018
Mike Weaver: American WBA World Heavyweight Champion
Anatoly Karpov: Russian chess player
Bob Parsons: Forbes billionaire 2018
Thomas Bruch: Forbes billionaire 2018
Martin Short: Canadian comedian
Niranjan Hiranandani: Forbes billionaire 2018
Djoko Susanto: Forbes billionaire 2018
Richard Gere: actor
Frank L VanderSloot: Forbes billionaire 2018
James Carr Walton: Forbes billionaire 2018
: NBA guard
Vincent Lo: Forbes billionaire 2018
Sam Neill: New Zealand actor
Edouard Carmignac: Forbes billionaire 2018
Friedhelm Loh: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ren Zhengfei: Forbes billionaire 2018
Poul Jensen: Danish sailor
John Paul Jones DeJoria : Forbes billionaire 2018
Bill Gross: Forbes billionaire 2018
James Clark: Forbes billionaire 2018
Akio Nitori: Forbes billionaire 2018
Nusli Wadia: Forbes billionaire 2018
Theodore Rachmat: Forbes billionaire 2018
Joni Mitchell: [Roberta J Anderson], Canadian singer
Michael Spence: American economist and Nobel Prize laureate
R. L. Stine: American children's book writer
Billy Cunningham: NBA/ABA
George Harrison: English pop star and Beatle
Sally Jessy Raphael: American TV talk show host
Martin Scorsese: American film director
Isabel Allende: Chilean-American author
Ian Wood: Forbes billionaire 2018
Tammy Wynette: American country singer
Barbra Streisand: American singer, actress and award winner
Margaretta Taylor: Forbes billionaire 2018
Aretha Franklin: American singer-songwriter known as "The Queen of Soul"
Stephen Alan Wynn: Forbes billionaire 2018
Lee Kun-hee: Korean industrialist, chairman of Samsung
Tom Fogerty: American rocker
Martha Stewart: American business magnate and TV personality who founded Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
Robert Kraft: American owner of the New England Patriots
Spalding Gray: American actor
Bob Dylan [Robert Zimmerman]: American singer-songwriter
Dietmar Hopp: Forbes billionaire 2018
Hans Melchers: Forbes billionaire 2018
Giuliana Benetton: Forbes billionaire 2018
Buddy Holly [Charles Holley]: American musician
T. Denny Sanford: Forbes billionaire 2018
David Siegel: Forbes billionaire 2018
Phillip Ruffin: Forbes billionaire 2018
A. J. Foyt: American racing driver
Giorgio Armani: Italian fashion designer
Bent Peter Rasch: Danish canoeist
Ira Rennert: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ralph Sonnenberg: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert Goulet: American singer and actor
Irwin Jacobs: Forbes billionaire 2018
B. Wayne Hughes: Forbes billionaire 2018
B. Wayne Hughes, Jr.: Forbes billionaire 2018
Frits Goldschmeding: Forbes billionaire 2018
Robert Miller: Forbes billionaire 2018
Elizabeth Montgomery: US actress
Sandy Weill: American financier and philanthropist
Mohamed Al Fayed: Egyptian business magnate
Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo: Forbes billionaire 2018
Ray Dolby: American sound expert and inventor
Ted Cassidy: American actor
Per Norgard: Danish composer
Elizabeth Taylor: English-American actress
Juan-Miguel Villar Mir: Forbes billionaire 2018
Jean Marc Beliveau: Canadian NHL player
Alberto Baillères: Forbes billionaire 2018
Neil Armstrong: American X-15 pilot and astronaut - 1st man on the Moon
John Gutfreund: American investment banker, CEO of Salomon Brothers
Bob Newhart: comedian
Stanley Kubrick: American director
Charles Dolan: Forbes billionaire 2018
Hans Werner Henze: Komponist
Ted Lindsay: Canadian hockey player
Rod Steiger: American actor
Paul Newman: American actor
Mário Soares: 17th President of Portugal
James Baldwin: American author
Len Ainsworth: Forbes billionaire 2018
Vic Seixas: American tennis player
Brendan Behan: Irish author and poet
Fred Shuttlesworth: American civil rights activist
Nancy Reagan [Anne Frances Robbins]: US First Lady
Dmitri Polyakov: Soviet Major General and spy for the CIA
Rosalind Franklin: English chemist and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Pope Saint John Paul II [Karol Wojtyla]: 264th Roman Catholic Pope
George Wallace: American politician
Nelson Mandela: anti-apartheid activist, political prisoner
Francois Mitterrand: 21st President of France
Gregory Peck: American actor
Ingrid Bergman: Swedish actress
Hedy Lamarr: Austrian-American actress
William Westmoreland: American general
Sammy Baugh: American NFL hall of fame quarterback
Elizabeth Smart: Canadian author
Willy Brandt [Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm]: German statesman, leader of the SPD party
Jesse Owens: American athlete
Gerald Ford: 38th US President
Lucille Ball: American comedienne and actress
Ginger Rogers [Virginia McMath]: American actress, dancer and singer
Gian-Carlo Menotti: Italian composer
Rex Harrison: English actor
Burgess Meredith: American actor
Laurence Olivier: English actor
Hergé [Georges Prosper Remi]: Belgian comic book creator
Billy Wilder: Austrian-born American filmmakerr
Anne Morrow Lindbergh: American author and aviator
A.J.P Taylor: English historian
Deng Xiaoping: Chinese revolutionary and paramount leader of China
Franz Adolf Syberg: Danish composer
Claudette Colbert [Lily Chauchoin]: French-born American actress
George Orwell: Bihar, British writer
James "Cool Papa" Bell: American baseball center fielder in Negro league baseball, considered by many to have been one of the fastest men ever to play the game
Carlo Gambino: Italian-born American mafioso
Kjeld Abell: Danish playwright and director
Charles Laughton: English actor
Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc: composer/pianist
Dorothy Day: American journalist, social activist and devout Catholic convert
Paavo Nurmi: Finnish middle & long distance runner
André Breton: French writer and poet, founder of Surrealism
Jack Dempsey: American boxer
Harlow Curtice: President of General Motors
Karl Dönitz: German naval leader
Michael Collins: Irish revolutionary leader and leading figure in the struggle for Irish independence in the early 20th century
Arnold J. Toynbee: English historian
Erwin Schrodinger: Austrian physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate
Ty Cobb: American baseball great
Clarence Birdseye: American inventor and founder of the modern frozen food industry
Jim Barnes: English golfing pioneer
Davidson Black: Canadian paleoanthropologist and doctor of anatomy who identified "Peking Man"
Samuel Goldwyn [Shmuel Gelbfisz]: Jewish Polish American movie producer
Pablo Picasso: Spanish artist
Douglas MacArthur: American General in World War II
Benjamin Christensen: Danish actor
Upton Beall Sinclair: American writer
Harry Ford Sinclair: founder of Sinclair Oil
Orville Wright: aviator
David Beatty: 1st Earl Beatty and British Admiral of the Fleet during World War I
Richard Bedford Bennett: 11th Prime Minister of Canada
Gertrude Bell: British archaeologist
Robert Falcon Scott: British leader of ill-fated south pole expedition
Carl Nielsen: Norre-Lyndelse Denmark, composer
Albert B. Fall: New Mexico Senator
Niels Hansen Jacobsen: Danish sculptor and ceramist
Peter Jackson: heavyweight boxer
Ignacy Jan Paderewski: Polish composer and 1st premier of Poland
Emmeline Pankhurst: British suffragette who formed the Women's Social & Political Union
George Bernard Shaw: Irish dramatist
John Philip Sousa: march king
Oscar Wilde: [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills],
[Hermann] Emil Fischer: German chemist, discovered Fischer esterification
Henri Moissan: French chemist who isolated the element "fluorine" from its compounds
Hipólito Yrigoyen: President of Argentina
Horatio Kitchener: British General who commanded British forces during the Battle of Omdurman
Arthur Balfour: British Prime Minister
Gabriel Urbain Faure: Pamiers France, composer
Karl Benz: German inventor, engine designer and automobile manufacturer
Ferdinand von Zeppelin: German general and inventor
Andrew Carnegie: Scottish-American industrialist, steel tycoon, philanthropist and one of the richest Americans ever
Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi: French sculptor
Carl Heinrich Bloch: Danish painter
Dmitri Mendeleev: Russian chemist and inventor who devised the periodic table of the elements
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta: Italian journalist, soldier and pacifist
Mackenzie Bowell: 5th Prime Minister of Canada
Ulysses S. Grant: 18th US President
Mary Baker Eddy: American founder of Christian Science
Elias Howe: American inventor
James Donnelly: Irish-Canadian patriarch of the Donnelly family
Cyrus McCormick: American inventor and businessman
Johann Christian Gebauer: Danish composer
Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederate States of America
Johannes Frederik Fröhlich: Danish composer
Millard Fillmore: 13th US President
Mary Shelley: English author
Martin Van Buren: 8th US President
Hans Christian Ørsted: Danish physicist and chemist
William Wordsworth: English poet laureate
Jens I Baggesen: Danish writer/linguist
Knud L Rahbek: Danish literary
Marquis de Lafayette: American patriot and French revolutionary
Jean-Paul Marat: French journalist and revolutionary
Augustus FitzRoy: 3rd Duke of Grafton, British Prime Minister
Adam Smith: Scottish economist
Daniel Defoe: English novelist
Rasmus Bartholin: Danish physician, mathematician and physicist
Chongzhen: 16th and last Ming Emperor of China
Rembrandt van Rijn: Dutch painter
Oliver Cromwell: Puritan lord protector of England
Johannes Kepler: German astronomer
Sigismund III Vasa: King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Komponist
Albert Frederick: Duke of Prussia
Nostradamus: French astrologist and prophet
Suleiman the Magnificent: Ottoman Sultan and the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Raphael Sanzio: Italian painter and master builder
Michelangelo: Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet of the High Renaissance
Amerigo Vespucci: Italian explorer
Tamerlane (Timur): Turkic conqueror and founder of the Timurid Dynasty
Euripides: Greek playwright

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