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The Numerology Chart
The Life Areas

The fifth of the 5 charts
The Name Chart

In this article we again take a look at the Name Chart which is the big golden chart in the middle of the 5 Chart Numeroscope™. This time instead of focussing on the names and life expression we will focus on the LIFE AREAS.

The name chart is created by our names and our day of birth.

This interaction creates our different “life areas” and the structure of our personality.

Where the Higher Self chart gives a picture of our destiny, essence, and mission in life, the name chart gives us a more earthly, “here and now” view of the personality and the daily challenges that we face in life.

The name chart addresses the relationship with money, sexuality, how we deal with problems, how we deal with other people, what makes us happy or sad in daily life, how to process one’s own and others’ feelings, and how energy flows between you and other people.

Either our names support the resonances of the Higher Self or directly create a DISHARMONY with them.

Together with your day vibration, your names create all the other numbers in the name chart: the life expression, the centers, the auras (life areas), the pillar and the spine.

The name chart is the most “physical” of the charts and tells us what we meet in life – what are the actual physical outcomes that we meet.

In this section, we explore the “life areas” which are shown in the name chart.

To the right you can see the Name Chart of the famous pop icon Elvis Presley. 



There are 5 numerology charts:

The Higher Self, which shows our talents, strengths, karmic life lessons and unique life mission. It is calculated via our full date of birth.

The Psyche Chart shows our psyche, the subconscious mind, how we think and feel. It is also calculated via our full date of birth.

In addition, we have the Main Name Chart, the Vocation Chart and the Personality Chart, which are calculated by our current names. They show how we are affected by our names in all areas of life, from love life to career and more.

We look at all of this …
Overview of the Name Chart Life Areas

In this article, we will explore the life areas of the Name Chart
and how they provide insights into a person’s life and energies.
Here is an overview of what we will cover.


Energy flow in the top half of the name chart
1. Your Mind Center

Your mind center (also called the communication center) is in the top circle of the name chart.

The mind center stands for our health and energy flow in the upper body. At the same time, it is our radiance in the outside world, and tells about our values, behavior, thought forms, and our communication. It also strongly influences our cash flow and the ability to attract money into our lives.

You can have one or more numbers in the mind center, depending on how many middle names you have. If you do not have any middle names, you will only have one number in the mind center. This number is called the mind centers “main vibration” and is the most important number in the mind center that the sub-vibrations effect and support. If you have a middle name, its number value is added to the mind centers “main vibration,” creating a sub vibration number also placed within the circle. If you have two middle names, you will have two sub vibrations, etc.

Here we analyze the primary vibration, which is the top number.

The second number that we analyze is the name chart mind diamond, which is the composite number created by the number in the top left aura and the top right aura coming together to create the main vibration in the mind center.

Energy flow in the bottom half of the name chart
2. Your Emotion Center

Your emotion center (sometimes called the solar plexus center) is the bottom circle of the name chart.

The emotion center stands for health and energy flow in our body from the diaphragm and down. It tells about our inner emotional life and how we feel. It also affects our sex life, love life, family life, and emotional life. The emotion center is directly affected by our middle names and the two bottom auras.

You can have one or more numbers in the emotion center, depending on how many middle names you have. If you don’t have any middle names, you will only have one number in the emotion center. This number is called the (name chart) emotion center main vibration and is the most significant number in the emotion center that any sub vibrations would affect and influence. If you have one middle name, then the middle name digit sum is added with the emotion center main vibration digit sum to create a “emotion center sub vibration.” If you have two middle names, you will have two emotion center sub vibrations and so forth.

The second number that we analyze is the emotion diamond, which is the composite number created by the number in the bottom left aura and the bottom right aura coming together to create the main vibration in the emotion center.

Those you share your intimate emotions with
3. Your Love Life

Surrounding the name chart numeroscope, we have 4 “auras” – each one responsible for our four main life areas. The auras are all about our interaction with the outside world. The aura numbers have two primary purposes: the first is to convey information to others while the other goal is to protect the body. This aura shows how you interact with those that are closest to you, for example, your girlfriend/wife, children and family.

Because this aura lies close to the emotion center, the surname and life expression number, it conveys our innermost emotions to those around us that we feel closest to, while at the same time protecting our innermost sanctuary. If these numbers are not good, they will not protect us, and we might find ourselves the victims of emotional and physical abuse. If they are good, we feel nurtured and at “home” in our home.

Your love life aura is created by adding the life expression digit sum together with the surname digit sum.

Those you share your intimate thoughts with
4. Your Friends

Surrounding the name chart numeroscope, we have 4 “auras” – each one responsible for our four main life areas. The auras are all about our interaction with the outside world. The aura numbers have two primary purposes: the first is to convey information to others while the other goal is to protect the body. This aura shows how you interact with your friends.

Because this aura lies close to the mind center, the surname, and birth day vibration number, it conveys our innermost thoughts to our closest friends. At the same time, the aura protects our mind, outlooks, and values. If these numbers are not good, they will not protect us, and we might find ourselves the victims of emotional and mental abuse from those we assume to be our friends. If they are good, we will feel loved, comfortable, and at ease with our friends.

Your friend’s aura is created by adding the day digit sum together with the surname digit sum.

Your outer emotion energy
5. Your Associates

Surrounding the name chart numeroscope, we have 4 “auras” – each one responsible for our four main life areas. The auras are all about our interaction with the outside world. The aura numbers have two primary purposes: the first is to convey information to others while the other goal is to protect the body. This aura shows how you interact with your associates and colleagues, people who know you from a more professional setting.

Because this aura lies close to the emotion center, the first name, and life expression number, it conveys our outer emotions to our colleagues, while at the same time protecting our feelings. If these numbers are not good, they will not protect us, and we might find ourselves the victims of emotional abuse from colleagues and associates. If they are good, we will feel at ease in our professional environment.

Your associate’s aura is created by adding the life expression digit sum together with the first name digit sum.

Your outer mind energy
6. Your Brand/Image

Surrounding the name chart numeroscope, we have 4 “auras” – each one responsible for our four main life areas. The auras are all about our interaction with the outside world. The aura numbers have two primary purposes: the first is to convey information to others while the other goal is to protect the body. This aura shows how you interact with the public in general and how you are “seen” from a public perspective. This is our “brand,” so to say.

Because this aura lies close to the mind center, the first name and birth day number, it conveys our outer thoughts and values to society, while at the same time protecting our inner values. If these numbers are not good, they will not protect us, and we might find ourselves the victims of the public or the state. If they are good, we will feel at ease in our surroundings and in our country.

Your brand aura is created by adding the day digit sum together with the first name digit sum.

How strong is your fundament
7. Your Pillar

The name chart pillar is the fundament we stand upon in our life.

If the life expression is our feet, then the pillar would be the ground. If the number is strong, we stand steadfast, even if life comes with a lot of challenges. If the number is weak, then it is easy to get pushed over. The name chart pillar affects the whole name chart numeroscope, so if you are well-grounded here, then you have a good grounding and will stand firm.

THIS IS HOW YOU FIND THE NAME CHART PILLAR: We find the name chart pillar by adding all the digit sums in the “central pillar” of the name chart, which is:

Day vibration digit sum + Mind center main vibration digit sum + Mind center sub vibration(s) digit sum(s) + Middle name(s) digit sum(s) + Emotion center main vibration digit sum + Emotion center sub vibration(s) digit sum(s) + Life expression digit sum

How you deal with problems
8. Your Spine

The spine is our inner strength.

The spine shows our ability to stand up for ourselves and to get the job done. It shows how we solve the problems in life as it is our birth vibration (our primary archetype) and how it meets our life expression number – our life experience.

The spine is the relationship between our day vibration and our life expression, and we find it by adding the day vibration digit sum with the life expression digit sum:

Day vibration digit sum + Life expression digit sum = Spine

The spine is written in the small box under the surname (it is highlighted in the diagram).

Would you like to see your charts?
Your Soulblueprint and Name Report

The Soulblueprint and name report is the world's most comprehensive numerology report, exploring your soul blueprint and name analysis.

Your Soul Blueprint offers an unparalleled, in-depth numerological reading, revealing all your innate energies and potentials, personal success codes, joy, and flow in life, as well as your unique strengths, talents, challenges, and life lessons.

Moreover, you'll gain a thorough analysis and evaluation of your full name (name chart, vocation chart, and personality chart), assessing how well your name supports you in every aspect of life, from love and relationships to career and beyond.

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