Numerologist PRO
The Crystal Report
Get more harmony, flow and success with
the crystals that balance the energies in your birthdate

Based on numerology and the ancient indian system of Jyotish we here present you a method to heal your energies with crystals.
Crystals and crystal healing offer you the quickest way to raise your vibration and purify the energies on all levels of your being.
As they are linked to your birthdate your crystals will create balance and give clarity by channeling exactly the energies that you need. They also offer divine protection so that you feel safe, guided and in alignment with the universe.
Every number and number combination in your birthdate has its own crystal
Your personal crystals create balance in your innate energies from your date of birth and give you more harmony, joy, grounding, flow and success in your life. Each number in your date of birth are energies you have with you that affect your personality, relationships, your career and much more.
- The day of the month you were born, for example, is your personality, and can be a number between 1-31.
- Your month energy is your outward, active energy and controls your power of action.
- Your year energy affects your subconscious and inner world .
- Your life path numbers are your deepest nature, but also your karma and your greatest purpose in life .
Each of these numbers has positive and negative potentials, and by balancing your innate numbers with the power of crystals, you can connect to your own greatest potential, and strengthen your fortune.

Numerological crystal healing is one of the great treasures of ancient numerology.
In ancient numerology, numbers were linked to planets, and crystals. The correct use of crystals strengthens your potential and remedies the karma.
Do you experience any of the following?
Heal Your Numbersl
Oversensitivity and no boundaries - 11/2
Overthinking and feeling victimized - 12/3
Dissatisfaction with life. The grass is greener syndrome - 13/4
Jealousy and dramas in relationships - 15/6
Anxiety, nervosity and fear of losing loved ones - 16/7
Explosive and smouldering anger - 18/9
Years of experience
Your Hosts
Hi and welcome to this page! We are Johannes and Estel and we run the largest school of numerology in Scandinavia based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
We have Educated over 100 professional numerologists who now use our system in their businesses. We offer a numerology education with many levels and help our students to become professional numerologists.
Through our coaching, we have served over 1000 clients in numerology. We guide our clients on how they can reach their fullest potential through understanding the potentials that lie within their day of birth and names. We also help clients who wish to have new names as new names come with new energies and new possibilities.
We have also helped over a hundred companies to establish companies on suitable dates and with good names.
We have over 20 years of experience with numerology and coaching and have been a myriad of times in Danish/Scandinavian media.
Crystal Healing
What You Will Heal and Purify
Main personality archetype
Your Day Vibration
The day of the month that you are born is one of the most important numbers in Chaldean numerology.
Your day number is the portal between your higher self and your human self. It is your MAIN personality archetype and accounts for 30-50% of your most visible personality traits. It is the way that your higher self expresses itself on this physical plane, and it connects your higher essence with your daily life on Earth.
Your day vibration crystal will heal and strengthen your personality and make it act more in accordance with your soul structure.

Essence and highest potential
Your Life Path Numbers
Our life path numbers tells a lot about how we feel inside, our emotional life, the nature of the KARMA that we bring with us from earlier lives, our innermost yearnings, and longings, etc. As we grow older, we tend to transition from our life path number to our higher life path number which signifies our greatest potential. The higher life number usually awakens in our 30’s as we embrace our adult responsibilities.
Your life path crystal will help you to align yourself with the main vibration of your soul and to burn your karma in a harmonious way.
Mirror of your deepest being
Day Lifepath Diamond
The day lifepath diamond shows the interaction between your external personality (day energy) and your inner life (lifepath energy), describing the dynamics that occur between the outer and the inner. What is the influence of the lifepath numbers on the outer personality, and how does the personality influence the lifepath numbers.
Your day – life path crystal will help you to align your personality energy with your soul energy and dissipate internal friction.

Keys to inner joy
Your Inner World Numbers
Your soul’s relation to the inside world is created by the interplay between your year vibration and your day number. We look at your year vibration and the composite inner energy created by your day and year vibration to see how you can optimise your thought processes and emotions.
Your inner world crystal will help you to purify your emotions and thoughts.
Keys to abundance and flow
Your Outer World Numbers
Your soul’s relation to the outside world is created by the interplay between your month vibration and your day number. We look at your month vibration and the composite outer energy created by your day and month vibration and how you create most abundance and flow in the outer world.
Your outer life crystal will help you to get more success, abundance and flow in your outer life and career.

The full mind spirit potential
Your Dharma
The chart dharma line represents the communication between your conscious and subconscious mind. When there is good and pure communication between the conscious and subconscious, the two hemispheres melt together to form the “supramental mind.” This is a state of being in which the deepest secrets of the universe can be revealed. Therefore this number also tells the numerologist how you communicate with God/the universe and how you live out your inner spiritual life.
Your dharma crystal will help you to awaken and raise your mind and spirit potential.
Your membership page
Explore your numbers in the membership page where you see the different charts and information about your unique numbers and how to apply this information in your life to get maximum results.
Your Higher Self Chart in depth
Explanations of all your numbers
Your healing crystals
Steps to unlock your healing codes

Download as a report
47+ pages
Probably the most detailed crystal numerology report out there with over 40 pages of deep insights specifically about your birth numerology and crystals.
Your Crystal Report
The crystals that will heal you- Significance of your birth day numbers
- Your birth day archetype and personality
- Your life path numbers – your highest potential
- Your outer world numbers
- Your inner world numbers
- Your dharma
- Your day lifepath diamond
- Your target number
- Your planetary influences
- … and much much more!
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30 day guarantee
You can refund yourself anytime. No emails, no phone calls, no hassle. Just go to our refund page and get a full, friendly and fast refund. No questions asked.
Your satisfaction is important to us. We naturally expect you to absolutely love the product which has been developed over many years and which is built on the most profound principles of vibration, but we also know that not everyone can be 100% satisfied.

Next Steps
Start your journey here

After payment
After payment you are automatically lead into your membership site (see screen above). Choose the box called “The Crystal Report”. An email with all the login details will also be sent to the email you give upon purchase.
Enter your data
After you have entered into your membership site you enter your your date of birth. This will generate all the numbers, healing crystals guides and charts!
Surf and immerse yourself
Now that you have entered your data you will see your chart with numbers, crystals and explanations. In the menu to the left there is a button that you can click on that will generate the downloadable report for you.
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All Materials © 2023 & 2024 Numerologist PRO
Terms of Service: Information provided by Numerologist PRO and/or from this web site is not intended as advice (medical, psychological, financial or other), nor is it intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical or otherwise). You should maintain your relationship with your providers and consider the services of this site as informational only. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual. This web site is a sharing of knowledge and information of numerology/energy work based on the experiences of Numerologist PRO. You are encouraged to make your own decisions based on your own research and inner guidance. By booking and receiving services, you agree to fully release and hold harmless Numerologist PRO and all it's affiliated numerologists from and against any liability or claim that may arise out of or in connection with their service(s).
Numerologist PRO © 2021

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