Numerology Target Audiences

Marketing Audiences
The Holistic Healer

This audience believes in holistic and alternative approaches to health and wellness. They’re interested in the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and see numerology as another tool for self-healing and maintaining balance.

Marketing Approach: Highlight the holistic aspects of numerology, emphasizing its potential to promote mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Provide information on how numerology can complement other holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, and energy healing. You could collaborate with holistic health influencers or offer content on self-care, mindfulness, and wellbeing, linking these concepts to numerology.

Demographics and Psychological Profile

While people of any age, gender, and location can be attracted to the holistic healing lifestyle, here’s a broad overview of some typical demographics of the “Holistic Healer” audience:

Age: The interest in holistic healing often increases with age. While it’s not unusual to find younger adults interested in holistic health, it’s more prevalent among people aged 30-60. This is the age when many people start realizing the importance of overall well-being and are more open to exploring alternative health methods.

Gender: While holistic health appeals to all genders, it is slightly more predominant among women. This may be due to cultural reasons or the fact that women are often more proactive about health and wellness matters.

Geographical Location: While interest in holistic health is global, it can be particularly high in regions known for their wellness culture. Places like the U.S (especially California), Canada, Australia, and parts of Western Europe often have higher concentrations of people interested in holistic healing practices. Additionally, individuals living in urban areas tend to show more interest in holistic healing due to the increased availability of related services and products.

Education: People interested in holistic health typically have a higher level of education. This might be due to the curiosity and open-mindedness that often comes with more education, leading them to research and explore alternative healing methods.

Income Level: The income levels can vary widely. However, certain holistic health practices, products, and services can be costly, so it’s common to see interest from middle to upper-income brackets.

Marital Status: There’s no specific trend regarding marital status, as people across all life situations can be attracted to holistic healing.

Occupation: People in the healthcare industry, educators, professionals in high-stress jobs, and those in creative or “helping” professions (like therapists, social workers) might lean more towards holistic healing.

Let’s delve into the in-depth psychological profile of the “Holistic Healer” archetype.

Background and Personality: Holistic Healers are individuals whose life revolves around their quest for overall wellness – mind, body, and spirit. They tend to believe in interconnectedness and the balance of energies. Their perspective on life is usually optimistic, compassionate, and empathetic, often emanating warmth and understanding. They seek harmony, not just within themselves but also in their surroundings and relationships.

Yearnings and Aspirations: At their core, Holistic Healers yearn to create balance, promote wellness, and relieve suffering. They aspire to cultivate a life rooted in love, harmony, and peace. They also have a deep desire to connect with the universe and the energy it radiates on a spiritual level. Their ultimate goal is often to find purpose and meaning in healing others and promoting overall well-being.

Interests and Hobbies: Holistic Healers are typically interested in practices that promote healing and wellness. They enjoy exploring alternative medicine, like acupuncture, yoga, reiki, meditation, herbalism, and other healing arts. They might enjoy spending time in nature as it helps them feel grounded and connected to the world. Reading, learning, and self-education around their interests are common pastimes.

Values and Beliefs: They tend to value the inherent worth of all living beings and see value in all experiences, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Their belief systems usually align with principles of interconnectedness, energy balance, and a holistic approach to wellness. They believe in the power of intention and positive thought, as well as the potential for self-healing.

Emotional Landscape: Holistic Healers often have a heightened sense of empathy, which can be both a gift and a burden. They are usually emotionally intuitive and sensitive, feeling emotions deeply. Their desire to heal others can lead to emotional exhaustion if not balanced with self-care. They may also experience deep frustration or sadness when faced with skepticism or misunderstanding about their holistic beliefs and practices.

Pain Points: Some common pain points for Holistic Healers can include feeling misunderstood or dismissed by traditional medical practitioners or skeptics. They may struggle with balancing their desire to help others with the necessity of self-care. They may feel frustrated by the overwhelming amount of suffering in the world and their limited ability to effect change on a large scale. They may also grapple with doubts about their effectiveness as healers, especially in the face of ingrained societal beliefs about health and wellness.

Pain Points

Lack of Understanding and Acceptance: Holistic healers often struggle with a lack of understanding or acceptance from those around them. This includes their friends, family, and wider community. They may face skepticism, cynicism, or outright rejection. The emotions tied to this are feelings of isolation, frustration, and a deep longing for acceptance and validation. This can lead to a sense of otherness, loneliness, and at times, self-doubt about their chosen path.

Inefficacy or Inconsistency of Results: One of the significant challenges faced by holistic healers is that the practices they employ often do not yield immediate or consistent results. This can lead to feelings of self-doubt, frustration, and demotivation. The irregularity of outcomes can make them question their skills, causing emotional distress, insecurity, and anxiety.

Regulatory and Legal Barriers: There may be legal constraints and regulations surrounding the practice of certain holistic healing modalities, which can lead to feelings of oppression, frustration, and limitation. It may feel like a constant struggle to operate within the confines of the law, and the fear of legal repercussions can create stress, anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness.

Financial Instability: Due to the unconventional nature of their work, holistic healers may struggle with financial stability. People may be reluctant to pay for services that are not guaranteed to work, leading to uncertainty, insecurity, and pressure. This financial stress can cause anxiety, fear, and doubt about their professional future.

Work-Life Balance: Given the emotionally involved nature of their work, holistic healers may struggle with maintaining a balance between their personal and professional lives. This imbalance can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and resentment over time, causing feelings of being overwhelmed, stress, and a lack of fulfillment in their personal lives.

Imposter Syndrome: Given the alternative nature of their profession and the skepticism they often face, holistic healers may grapple with feelings of inadequacy and fear of being exposed as a “fraud” despite their qualifications and experience. This imposter syndrome can generate anxiety, self-doubt, and a constant pressure to prove their legitimacy and worth.

Lack of Support and Community: Due to the unique nature of their work, holistic healers may feel alone in their journey, craving a supportive community who understands their challenges and aspirations. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and longing for connection.

Each of these pain points is tied to deep, complex emotions and can heavily impact the mental and emotional wellbeing of the holistic healer, shaping their needs, aspirations, and the solutions they seek.

How to tailor your marketing

When marketing to the Holistic Healer audience, the focus should be on how numerology can be integrated into their holistic view of health and wellness. Here are some strategies that could be effective:


  1. Emphasize the Holistic Benefits of Numerology: Show how numerology can contribute to overall well-being by providing insights into an individual’s life path, personal strengths, and areas for growth. Explain how this knowledge can promote mental and emotional balance, self-understanding, and personal harmony.
  2. Show Numerology as a Tool for Healing: Holistic Healers see value in various alternative therapies. Position numerology as a tool for self-healing and self-improvement. It can be used to identify and overcome personal challenges, to find purpose and direction, and to achieve personal balance.
  3. Discuss the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Highlight how numerology ties into the concept of the mind, body, and spirit being interconnected. For example, discuss how understanding one’s life path number can impact mental clarity, which in turn can lead to better physical health and spiritual well-being.
  4. Educational Content on Numerology and Wellness: Offer content that discusses the principles of numerology in relation to holistic health and wellness. This can include blog posts, eBooks, webinars, or social media posts that cover topics like “How Your Life Path Number Can Guide Your Wellness Journey” or “The Role of Numerology in Mental Health”.
  5. Link Numerology with Other Holistic Practices: Discuss how numerology can be combined with other holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, or crystal healing. For instance, meditation sessions guided by one’s life path number or yoga practices tailored to one’s destiny number.
  6. Community Building: Create a sense of community amongst your customers. Holistic Healers often value a shared sense of purpose and connection. Offering community spaces, such as forums or social media groups, where users can share their experiences and learn from each other can be highly valuable.
  7. User Testimonials: Share stories and testimonials from other Holistic Healers who have benefited from your numerology reports. Authentic experiences and results can be very persuasive.
  8. Align Your Branding: Ensure your brand aesthetics and messaging align with the concepts of balance, wellness, and harmony. This could be reflected in the use of natural imagery, calming colors, and soothing language.


By presenting our numerology products as a tools for holistic healing and wellness, you will be more likely to attract and engage the Holistic Healer audience.

Client Avatars

Understanding your client avatars, or buyer personas, is a critical aspect of successful marketing. Here’s why and how it can shape your promotional strategies:

Client avatars represent specific segments of your target audience, encapsulating their demographics, behaviors, motivations, and goals. They embody the people you aim to attract and engage with your product or service. By knowing your avatars, you can tailor your messages to resonate strongly with these individuals, addressing their specific needs and aspirations.

A well-defined client avatar can guide every aspect of your marketing strategy, from the design and timing of your campaigns to the channels you choose for promotion. For instance, an avatar in their early 20s may be more likely to engage with content on Instagram, while an older avatar might prefer email communication.

Now, how can you leverage these avatars while crafting your marketing copy? One effective technique is visualizing your avatar while writing your content. You could even place a picture of your avatar in front of you as you write. This visualization exercise can make the writing process more conversational and personalized.

When you write while looking at a picture of your avatar, you’re not just writing for an abstract audience—you’re writing for a specific person. You can ask yourself, “How would I explain this to them? How would this product help them in their daily life?” This approach can help you craft copy that is both compelling and relatable, increasing the chances that your message will resonate and drive action.

In essence, knowing your client avatars is not just a marketing exercise—it’s a strategy to foster a deeper connection with your audience. It allows you to understand them better, communicate effectively, and ultimately, offer them a product that truly meets their needs and enhances their life.


  1. Avatar One – Maria

Maria is a 40-year-old yoga instructor and wellness coach. She believes in the power of holistic healing and integrates various spiritual practices into her personal life and coaching. She’s curious about how numerology can further her understanding of herself and others, as well as help guide her clients on their wellness journeys. She finds fulfilment in helping others but sometimes struggles to maintain her personal well-being in the face of other people’s energy and needs.


  1. Avatar Two – James

James is a 50-year-old acupuncturist who runs his own clinic. He’s long been interested in Eastern philosophy and alternative healing methods, and sees wellness as a balance of mind, body, and spirit. James is open to learning more about numerology, as it may provide additional insights into his patients’ needs and help guide their treatment plans. He constantly seeks new ways to help his patients but is sometimes overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge and techniques out there.


  1. Avatar Three – Ava

Ava is a 33-year-old personal trainer and nutritionist. She believes in a holistic approach to health and often recommends mindfulness practices, diet adjustments, and energy work to her clients in addition to physical training. Ava’s interest in numerology comes from a desire to understand her clients more holistically and provide more personalized guidance. She loves her work but often feels there is something more she could be doing to help her clients reach their wellness goals.

Well known literature read by this audience

For our affiliates, gaining a deep understanding of the holistic healer audience involves more than just knowing their demographics. It involves delving into their psychographics – their interests, habits, values, and the literature they read. Here’s why it’s vital:

Understanding the literature that holistic healers read gives you a unique window into their world. It allows you to engage with the same concepts and ideas that resonate with them, thereby establishing a strong connection. It helps to speak their language, using terms and references they are familiar with, which can make your marketing messages more impactful and relatable.

Furthermore, the literature they engage with often mirrors their desires, fears, and challenges. It reflects their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By becoming conversant with this literature, you can tailor your promotional content to address these aspects directly, highlighting how our products can aid them in their journey of healing themselves and others.

In addition, referencing or recommending books and authors that they admire can enhance your credibility and establish you as an authoritative figure in the field. It shows that you understand and appreciate their quest for healing their lives, which can foster trust and affinity towards your brand.

In essence, knowing your audience’s literary preferences is not just about selling a product; it’s about speaking directly to their interests and needs. This nuanced understanding can significantly enhance your promotional strategies, making them more engaging and effective.


  1. “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk: Examines the ways in which trauma can affect the human body and mind.
  2. “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay: Explores the mental causes for physical illnesses and provides metaphysical ways to overcome them.
  3. “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz: Offers a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
  4. “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss: Offers a compelling picture of the human body’s hidden energetic structures.
  5. “Healing with Whole Foods” by Paul Pitchford: Offers health-promoting ways to prevent and treat common ailments with diets and traditional foods.
  6. “The Mindbody Prescription” by John E. Sarno: Discusses the mind’s power to influence the body’s physiology.
  7. “The Healing Power of Illness” by Thorwald Dethlefsen and Ruediger Dahlke: Theorizes that illnesses are physical manifestations of our unresolved problems or unhealthy lifestyle.
  8. “The Natural Way to Heal” by Walter Last: Offers 65 ways to create superior health.
  9. “The Emotion Code” by Dr. Bradley Nelson: Offers practical tools for dealing with emotional baggage from the past.
  10. “Molecules of Emotion” by Candace B. Pert: Examines how our emotions and thoughts can affect our health.
  11. “Radical Acceptance” by Tara Brach: Offers a path to freedom, including mindfulness & compassion practices.
  12. “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto: Shows how the influence of our thoughts, words and feelings can impact water crystals.
  13. “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton: Reveals how our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and our lives.
  14. “Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay: A-Z guide to ailments, their probable causes, and healing affirmations.
  15. “Energy Medicine” by Donna Eden: Shows how to work with the body’s energy systems to boost vitality and wellbeing.
  16. “Health and Healing” by Andrew Weil: Explores the arguments of Western medicine and proposes a combination of conventional and alternative therapies.
  17. “Quantum Healing” by Deepak Chopra: Explores how the mind can help heal the body.
  18. “Perfect Health” by Deepak Chopra: Describes the Ayurvedic path to health with suggestions for diets, exercise, and sleep.
  19. “The Web That Has No Weaver” by Ted Kaptchuk: A classic, comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of Chinese medicine.
  20. “Spontaneous Healing” by Andrew Weil: Discusses the body’s capacity to heal itself and offers methods to boost this power.



All Materials © 2023 & 2024 Numerologist PRO

Terms of Service: Information provided by Numerologist PRO and/or from this web site is not intended as advice (medical, psychological, financial or other), nor is it intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical or otherwise). You should maintain your relationship with your providers and consider the services of this site as informational only. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual. This web site is a sharing of knowledge and information of numerology/energy work based on the experiences of Numerologist PRO. You are encouraged to make your own decisions based on your own research and inner guidance. By booking and receiving services, you agree to fully release and hold harmless Numerologist PRO and all it's affiliated numerologists  from and against any liability or claim that may arise out of or in connection with their service(s).


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