Succedent Houses: Stability and Resources
Johannes Ehvass
Welcome, dear reader! In this series, we explore the twelve houses of astrology, each representing a distinct aspect of our lives. These houses form the core of an astrological chart, guiding us through the varied realms of personal identity, relationships, career, and more. As we delve into each house, we'll discover how they shape our perspectives and intersect with planetary energies. Whether you're well-versed in astrology or newly curious, join me on a journey through these celestial domains, where cosmic patterns illuminate the intricacies of human experience.
Succedent Houses: Stability and Resources
The astrological houses are neatly divided into three categories: angular, succedent, and cadent. While the angular houses kickstart the themes of the natal chart and set its foundation, the succedent houses take things forward by focusing on stabilization and preservation. These houses, specifically the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th, emphasize resources, values, pleasures, and interpersonal associations. They reflect upon what we hold dear, the resources we accumulate, and how we sustain ourselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Introduction: The Stabilizing Force of Succedent Houses
The term ‘succedent’ is derived from the Latin word ‘succedere’ which means ‘to follow’. As these houses follow the angular houses in the zodiac wheel, they are aptly named. If angular houses lay the foundation and set the tone of our lives, succedent houses build upon it, concentrating on enriching, maintaining, and preserving our life’s themes. They encapsulate the drive to stabilize and find security amidst the ever-changing dynamics of life.
House 2: Personal Possessions, Values, and Self-worth
Immediately succeeding the first house of self, the second house delves into our personal resources. It’s not just about money and possessions, but also the intangible values and talents that define our sense of self-worth.
Personal Possessions
This house governs our material assets. From personal savings to property, from treasured heirlooms to everyday possessions, the 2nd house represents things we own and value. These assets, however, are not merely material but symbolize our personal efforts, talents, and the security we derive from them.
On a deeper level, the 2nd house reflects upon our core values and beliefs. These values form the foundation of our decisions and actions. They shape our perspective on life, guiding us through ethical dilemmas and moral choices.
A crucial aspect of the 2nd house is self-worth. It’s not just about the tangible assets we possess but also our intrinsic value. How we perceive our worth, both in material and emotional terms, falls under the domain of this house. It teaches us to recognize our worth beyond societal validations, urging us to find value within.
House 5: Creativity, Romance, Children, and Recreation
Succeeding the house of home and family, the 5th house is a celebration of joy, creativity, and love. It represents the pleasures of life and the expressions of our inner child.
The 5th house is the wellspring of our creative energies. It governs artistic expressions, hobbies, and all activities where we channel our creative impulses. Whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or any other artistic endeavor, this house reflects our potential and inclination towards creation.
Romantic inclinations and affairs, especially those that are passionate and dramatic, are governed by the 5th house. It showcases the kind of romantic partners we attract and our approach to love and romance. It speaks of flings, courtships, and the playful aspects of love.
On a more profound level, the 5th house also governs children. It signifies our relationship with them and the kind of parent we might become. This house also indicates the likelihood of having children and the overall experience of parenthood.
This house is a testament to our leisurely pursuits. How we entertain ourselves, the activities we indulge in for joy, relaxation, and recreation, all come under the purview of the 5th house.
House 8: Shared Resources, Transformation, and Metaphysical Experiences
The mysterious 8th house delves deep into the realm of shared resources, transformation, and experiences that lie beyond the physical realm. It’s a house of profound depth and intense emotions, dealing with the very essence of life and death, rebirth, and the transformative power of experiences.
Shared Resources
While the 2nd house speaks of personal possessions, the 8th house is all about shared assets. This includes inheritances, joint finances, taxes, debts, and any other form of shared economic resource. The dynamics of power that money can create in relationships, particularly in marital bonds, is an essential aspect of this house. It uncovers how we manage shared resources and the kind of dependencies or power dynamics they might lead to.
The 8th house is often dubbed the house of transformation and rebirth. It embodies the cycle of life, death, and regeneration. The transformative events that lead to personal growth and soul evolution, such as a near-death experience, profound emotional trauma, or any significant life-altering event, fall under the domain of this house. It shows our ability to rise from the ashes, reinvent, and heal ourselves.
Metaphysical Experiences
Beyond the tangible, the 8th house also governs the metaphysical realm. This includes our interest in occult sciences, deep spiritual experiences, psychic abilities, and explorations into the unknown. It speaks of our connection to the other side, our encounters with the supernatural, and our innate ability to transcend the material plane.
House 11: Friendships, Groups, Hopes, and Aspirations
Emerging after the 10th house of career and public image, the 11th house takes us into the world of social interactions and collective consciousness. It’s where we envision a better world, make connections, and work collectively towards a shared goal.
This house is predominantly known for its emphasis on friendships. It defines the kind of friends we attract, our relationship dynamics with them, and how these friendships influence our lives. More than just casual acquaintances, this house speaks of meaningful bonds that inspire and uplift.
Groups and Associations
The 11th house also oversees our association with groups, clubs, organizations, and any collective where individuals come together for a shared cause. It defines our role in such collectives, how we contribute, and the dynamics of our interactions within these groups.
Hopes and Aspirations
One of the profound aspects of the 11th house is its connection to our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. It’s about our vision for the future, our ideals, and what we hope to achieve for ourselves and society at large. This house urges us to dream big, to aspire, and to work towards creating a better world.
In conclusion, the succedent houses in astrology offer insight into how we build upon the foundational aspects of our lives, as presented by the angular houses. They reflect our desires, what we value, and how we seek stability and enrichment in our lives. Whether it’s through personal possessions, creative expressions, shared resources, or collective goals, these houses give depth and substance to our journey, enhancing the overall narrative of our birth chart.
Johannes & Estel: Renowned authorities in Numerology, Astrology, and the esoteric arts. As the founders of Scandinavia's premier Numerology school, we're delighted to share our insights through this curated series on astrology. Dive in and discover the stars.
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The history of Astrology
Moving beyond deterministic astrology
Foundation of Astrology: Planets, Signs and Houses
Astrology and the Holographic Universe
The Holographic Universe
The Human Psyche as a Mirror to The Solar System
The Human Body as a Mirror to The Star Signs
Astrology Background
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Mayan Astrology
Chinese Astrology
Indian Astrology - Jyotish
Celtic Astrology
Tibetan Astrology
Mesopotamian Astrology
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Hellenistic Astrology
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Vettius Valens
Dorotheus of Sidon
Persian Astrology
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Sassanian Astrology
Late Antiquity and The Transition Period
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Medieval Astrology
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Monastic Preservers: Astrological Knowledge in the Dark Ages
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Kings, Queens, and Constellations: Astrology in the Medieval Court
The Church and the Stars: A Contentious Relationship
Universities and Scholastic Pursuits: Academic Astrology
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Transition to the Renaissance: Humanism and the Celestial Arts
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End of the Renaissance: The Gradual Decline of Astrological Influence
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Enlightenment Astrology
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Challenging the Stars: Astrology's Critics during the Enlightenment
Astrology and the New World
Astrology in the 19th Century
The Dawn of Psychological Astrology
Astrology in the 20th Century: A Modern Renaissance
Astrological Associations and Schools
Modern Controversies and Astrology
Astrology and Popular Culture
Astrology and Technology
Current Trends and Future Directions in Astrology
Conclusion: Reflecting on Astrology's Evolution
The Planet Significances
The Sun in Astrology
The Moon in Astrology
Mercury in Astrology
Venus in Astrology
Mars in Astrology
Jupiter in Astrology
Saturn in Astrology
Uranus in Astrology
Neptune in Astrology
Pluto in Astrology
Chiron in Astrology
Black Moon Lilith in Astrology
Pars Fortuna in Astrology
Ceres in Astrology
Houses in Astrology
Introduction to Astrological Houses
The Angular Houses
The Succedent Houses
The Cadent Houses
The 1st House
The 2nd House
The 3rd House
The 4th House
The 5th House
The 6th House
The 7th House
The 8th House
The 9th House
The 10th House
The 11th House
The 12th House
Interaction Between Houses
Derived Houses, House Rulers, and Interceptions
Conclusion: Synthesizing House Knowledge
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