There are many good reasons to visit a numerologist, and it doesn’t always have to end with a name change. An in-depth numerological interpretation can help you find answers to questions such as:

  • What are your greatest potentials and what are the biggest challenges in your life
  • Understand yourself on a deeper level, who you are and what you are meant to do (your life mission)
  • Why some areas of your life work well, while others may not work at all
  • Why you face the same challenges over and over again in your life
  • What you need to do to achieve the most joy and flow
  • How to tap into your own deepest essence

A visit to a numerologist could turn out to be one of the best things you ever do for yourself because it’s an opportunity to find out more about yourself and the energies that affect you through both your name and your birth date.


But how exactly can you read the energies in a person’s name?

Each letter has a numerical value attached to it, and therefore your names add up to certain numerical values. The numerical values of our names are different vibrational archetypes that influence us in a certain direction. Your name’s number vibrations need to fit both you and what you want and harmonize with your birth date.

Some number values are inherently more HARMONIC than others, although all numbers have both positive and less positive sides. For example, the number 11 can make you feel very vulnerable to the opinion of others and make you a people pleaser. While the number 13 – placed in the wrong place – can give you a continuous longing for something other than what you have and an inner dissatisfaction. The number 18 can give you a lot of pent-up anger, while the number 16 can make you feel emptiness, sadness and fear of loss.

This is why people who undergo a numerology name change find that they let go of old patterns that don’t serve them and things start to flow much more freely. With new, positive vibrations, they can live from a place of deep harmony in all areas of life.

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The numeroscope resembles the human figure and thus taps into a deeper law of microcosm macrocosm

When you need a new name, numerologists use a thousand-year-old tradition to calculate the energies of your new name.

This is done using a numeroscope, which is a kind of “map” of your energies in all the different areas of your life. For example, if you want to boost your career, the numerologist will provide you with numbers to support you in this. If it’s your love life you want to boost, the numerologist will make sure that the numeroscope has many love numbers in certain places in the numeroscope.

Again, we want harmony in all areas of life so that we don’t neglect one thing over another – and therefore the entire numeroscope must be 100% harmonious. All positions and numbers in the numeroscope have a deep meaning. In the session, the numerologist will tell you about this. With our numerologists, you will also receive a report that describes all the numbers you have been given, so you also have it in writing.


What are subvibrations and subnumeroscopes – and do I need to include them in my name change?

It’s a good idea to also calculate sub-numeroscopes if you want to get the most out of your name change.

The numeroscope (name chart) consists of names with specific numerical values that together create harmony in all areas of the numeroscope, reflecting harmony in all areas of life. This is the main numeroscope and it is the most important.

But beyond that, the number of vowels and consonants in each name is also important. Vowels and consonants each form a sub-numeroscope that also affects us.

If the sub-numeroscopes are also harmonious, the experience of the main numeroscope (name chart) is extra powerful and positive. If the sub-numeroscopes are not so good, or even bad, they can also affect the main numeroscope in such a way that it doesn’t work optimally. This is part of the reason why some people have more success with a name change than others.

In the image down below, you can see an example of a person who came to us with a clean main numeroscope, but without having had sub-numeroscopes calculated. And the vowel and consonant values in the names she had chosen gave her some very inharmonious sub-numeroscopes.

With the name choice on the left, Marlena Jazmin Timmermann, you can see that the sub-numeroscopes become full of unbalanced (red) numbers such as the numbers 11/2, 16/7 and 18/9.

On the right, you can see that we have now guided her to choose a new first name – with different vowel and consonant values – so her name is now Christl Jazmin Timmermann.

It’s still the same main numeroscope, but due to the slight change in first name, the sub-numeroscopes are now clean and full of green numbers, thus better supporting the effect of the main numeroscope.

A small change makes a big difference when it comes to vibrations.

The main numeroscope (the large figure) is the same in both examples and is harmonic. But the sub-numeroscopes (the small figures) are inharmonic (left) and harmonic (right) respectively.

The sub-numeroscopes on the right are full of balanced numbers (green) and are clean, bright and attract positive experiences into the customer’s life. However, the many red numbers in the sub-numeroscopes on the left can make the name change less positive.


A harmonious main numeroscope can be compared to a big beautiful castle garden that is designed around you. In other words, you live surrounded by a beautiful garden with flower beds, trees, paths, lakes, fountains and beautiful statues.

All of these things are symbols of harmonic forms of energy, which you can access through your main numeroscope (name chart).

But what are the sub-numeroscopes?

The sub-numeroscopes, in this analogy, are how well the garden is cared for.

We know that flower beds have been put in – but are there beautiful, fresh plants in them? Or are they full of weeds and withered plants?

Are the paths clear so the energies flow well?

Are the statues beautiful and intact?

Is the water in the fountain and lake clean and clear – or does the water flow less freely and is the lake full of algae?


Another analogy could be that your name is a combination of sounds playing a beautiful piece of music around you.

If all the instruments are in perfect tune, then the piece of music sounds as it should.

But if the instruments are out of tune, then it might be the most beautiful of compositions – but the sound might be so dissonant and harsh that it doesn’t sound good at all.

In the same way, the name chart is the work itself – but if the sub-numeroscopes are not in harmony, it can ruin the overall harmony so that you don’t get the full benefit of your name chart.


Many people who have been to a numerologist get mysterious names – or spell their old names in a strange way – do I need to?

No, you don’t. You can easily choose ordinary names, such as Sofie, Louise, Peter or Thomas.

After the session, you will receive a list of names from your numerologist to choose from. All of these names have specific numerical values that the numerologist has calculated especially for you. For example, this could be the numerical values 32 27 37 23.

You can also tell your numerologist if there are one or more of your names that you would like to keep. Then the numerologist can tell you if it would be possible to create a harmonious numeroscope where you keep these names.

If you have been to a numerologist who also calculates sub-vibrations and sub-numeroscopes for you, you will also get some specific consonant and vowel values associated with each name value. This means that there are slightly fewer names to choose from, but the energy in the numeroscope is even stronger and more harmonious.


A lot of new things happen after changing your name numerologically, both internally and externally.

The new vibrations start to affect you gradually, and after about 2 years, the new vibrations start to work at their peak.

Many people describe their experience in the following ways:

  • That life becomes less of a struggle and more of a flow or dance with the universe.
  • This flow spreads to all areas of life, creating more harmony and abundance
  • Old patterns and emotional blocks begin to release.
  • A gradual opening at the heart level where you get deeper into yourself so you can feel who you really are.

Master Numerologist

Estel is a numerologist, certification leader and one of the founders of Numerologist PRO.

Estel met numerology at a very young age on a trip to India, and has been interested in numerology ever since.

She researches and goes in depth with the ancient sources of numerology, and has modernized the ancient knowledge of consonants and vowels in the names to a whole new level. Estel also researches empirically on the effects of numerology – especially in the name change process.

Estel was originally educated in musicology at the university of Copenhagen. She has studied many forms of spiritual wisdom systems, and has been practicing meditation since she was 19 years old.


Unlock the Secrets of Your Numbers

Chaldean numerology is the most advanced form of numerology on the planet with many different kinds of charts, overviews and forecasts. With this level of sophistication it is a great help with software that allows you quickly and reliably to see the different calculations.

All Materials © 2023 & 2024 Numerologist PRO

Terms of Service: Information provided by Numerologist PRO and/or from this web site is not intended as advice (medical, psychological, financial or other), nor is it intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical or otherwise). You should maintain your relationship with your providers and consider the services of this site as informational only. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual. This web site is a sharing of knowledge and information of numerology/energy work based on the experiences of Numerologist PRO. You are encouraged to make your own decisions based on your own research and inner guidance. By booking and receiving services, you agree to fully release and hold harmless Numerologist PRO and all it's affiliated numerologists  from and against any liability or claim that may arise out of or in connection with their service(s).


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